Whole School Activities
Book Week Parade & Assembly
Congratulations to all of our merit certificate recipients, our fabulous school orchestra on their first performance together, and to all students who dressed up and had some fun at the book week parade.
UCS Excursion
Lucas Proudfoot Performance
We were all in hysterics with the quick-witted Lucas Proudfoot from Bunjalung Country who performed an interactive workshop of storytelling, music and culture. Many Rocky River students self-nominated to participate on stage and represented our school with pride.
New England Sings Rehearsal
We were proud of our students who participated in a rehearsal run by the NECOM team in the afternoon. After a long a tiring day in the sun, students remained focused and determined to showcase their singing talents. This rehearsal was combined with Uralla and Kentucky primary students, which was a wonderful way to prepare for the concert day.
Rotating P.E. skills workshops
Year 5 students have organised rotating workshops for our younger students to participate in during daily P.E. sessions. All students have enjoyed the collaboration together.
New England Garden Festival - Seed Growing Competition
Mr Ridley has organised our participation in the New England Garden Festival Seed Growing Competition with K-2, Stage 2 and Stage 3 responsible for growing and caring for a single plant (total of 3 entries). We are growing Blue Lake Beans and our plants will be entered for judging at the end of October. We are excited to see our successful little seedlings grow!
Individual Learning Goals
All staff are currently working through a rigorous Curriculum Implementation Professional Learning program to enhance our delivery of the English and Mathematics syllabuses. We are looking and Individual Goal Setting as a high impact assessment strategy and how we can effectively implement this across the school to see improved student outcomes and autonomy in learning.