In the Spotlight

Bullying No Way - National Week of Action
In acknowledgement of Bullying No Way, the SRC provided a free pancake breakfast on 15 August. Students were asked to wear purple or orange in support of this initiative. Thank you to the students who dressed in purple or orange to show your support. Well done to the SRC students, Mrs Cooper & Mrs Koch for organising.
Yr 7 to 10 Resilience lessons this week have focused on a number of key activities including challenging stereotypes, embracing diversity, promoting empathy, fostering positive relationships & providing support.
Flynn's Flyover
On Friday 9 August former THS student Flynn Kuiters completed his first solo flight from Brisbane to Tenterfield & flew over THS before landing! Students & staff were keen to see him & waited out the front looking to the skies at recess, unfortunately we had missed him as he made it to Tenterfield earlier than originally anticipated. What a great achievement for Flynn, thank you for including us in this very special achievement! Photo's courtesy of his very proud mum Belinda.
Olympics Fundraiser
On 8 August the SRC held a Team Australia Olympics fundraiser. Students were encouraged to wear green & gold or dress as an Olympian for a gold coin donation. Home bake was sold at recess & prizes were given for best dressed.
Thank you to all the students & staff who supported the Olympic dress up day, everyone looked great! A shout out to the families who provided home bake for sale at recess/lunch, SRC students & Mrs Cooper & Mrs Koch.
Year 6 Transition
Year 7 class of 2025 had a great transition day on 6 August! They had some fun making chocolate balls, designing & constructing parachutes in science & creating some beautiful artwork. Thank you to everyone who helped make their visit a fun one! We look forward to seeing you back on the 20 August.
Graduate Profile
Brodie Carmichael completed Year 12 at Tenterfield High School in 2009. His passion was always bikes & he was often told "you gotta get a real job." Brodie has made a very successful career by channeling his skills, passion & determination into reaching his goals. We hope you enjoy this graduate profile as much as we do!
Ag Farm Visit
On 1 August THS welcomed residents from Millrace and Haddington as well as local producers and agents to our Ag farm. We showcased the cattle who will be being exhibited at the Ekka and also served morning tea. This visit is one of the highlights of the year for our students and staff - thank you everyone for coming!
School Based Apprenticeship
Congratulations to Darcy Rolph who has secured a school-based apprenticeship with DTB Fabrications. If you are interested in more information on the SBAT program, speak to Mrs Clothier.
Tafe - Start Your Future
Day 1 for our students completing the Start your future Construction course at TAFE NSW - Tenterfield on 31 July. The Start your Future initiative gets students out of the school setting into TAFE-style learning, attending a TAFE NSW campus one day per week over 6-10 weeks. The Start your Future helps students identify potential career pathways through vocational tasters in a wide range of industries.
Rewards Day
Congratulations to all students who attended the rewards day on 4 July in the MPU. The theme was red, white & blue or stars & stripes. Prizes were awarded for best dress & provided to winners of games played across the afternoon. Thank you to Mr Caisley, Miss Phillips, Frankie, Year 12 & all students & staff who helped make the event a success.