Classroom Stars and Achievers

Stars of the Week
Poppy P
For her positive attitude towards her writing (Rick D3)
Oli W
For playing with a range of friends (Holly D4)
Piper W
For writing facts about dogs! (Miss Hannah D5)
Ainsley F
For looking after and being respectful of school equipment (Mrs Brown M2)
Levi M-F
For his excellent fluency in reading (Claire M3)
Mia B
For doing an incredible job publishing her Writers' Festival piece! (Miss Muller M4)
Harlan E
For doing a great job with his writing for the Writers Festival. Well done! (Jaymie M5)
Outstanding Achievers
Macy M
For her amazing work following the writing process for her Writers Festival piece (Lauren B1)
James B
For the assistance he offered his class mates during Writer's Festival publishing (Troy B3)
Jaxson F
For adding detailed pictures to his writing (Mr Loader B4)
Braxton P
For consistently setting a great example for others in our classroom (Jessica B5)
Piper Mc
For taking great pride in your Writers Festival poem (Mr C S1)
Bentley M
For putting in an enormous effort to submit a Writers' Festival piece after being absent (Mrs Riddoch S2)
Lily D
For the time and effort she is putting into her Writer's Festival piece. Great work, Lil!(Rebecca S3)
Finn J
For creating a brilliant narrative about bike jumps for his writing piece to enter in our Writers Festival (Mr Bell S4)
For excellent teamwork, respect and resilience (Katherine/Miss Wood Physical Education)
For being supportive of their peers and sharing their ideas (Mrs Bleicher Visual Arts)
For being focussed learners in the art room (Mrs Bleicher Visual Arts)
For their superb listening and following of instructions as we learned a new dance (Mrs Duke Performing Arts)
For consistently following directions and packing up well during STEM (Mr Brown STEM)
Riley J
For beautiful manners and friendly smile when delivering coffees (Emily P Office)