Year Five/Six News

Highlights and Happenings
We have been very busy in Year 5 and 6 over the past few weeks!
We recently completed a golf clinic with Tony, and the students really enjoyed it. They had the chance to practise their swings and improve their form.
Book Week was a highlight, filled with fun activities. S3 joined D3 for a creative craft session where they made shape bears and ducks inspired by Bear and Duck are Friends, which was shortlisted for Early Childhood Book of the Year.
In Maths, we’ve been learning new strategies for solving multiplication and division problems. The box method was a crowd favourite for multiplication—students found it easy and quickly grasped the concept. Another strategy that students enjoyed practising was the lattice method. For division, short division has been a hit.
We encourage families to ask their children about these strategies and see if they can teach you one that might be unfamiliar!