Student Awards & Birthdays

Student Awards
The following Awards were presented in Week 8:-
Foundation |
- Morris Dee (FBW) - ‘Be Your Best’ for showing great determination to become an independent learner. Morris, you are now identifying lots of known words in your reader and during writing time you are trying hard to sound out words independently. Keep up the fabulous work!
- Lenny Byrne (FBW) - ‘Be Your Best’ for your wonderful achievements and enthusiasm in reading. Lenny, it is great to see you choosing books of interest and reading with confidence and lovely fluency. Keep up the great work!
- Hamish McKnight (FSC) - ‘Be Your Best’ for showing super resilience during swimming lessons and giving everything a go, even when you were a bit worried at the start! You should be very proud of yourself!
- Zane Weekley (FSC) - ‘Be Responsible’ for participating so enthusiastically and responsibly during our supermarket excursion. Zane, you are always listening carefully and making great choices at school. Keep up the great work!
Year 1 & 2 |
- Mia McGregor (12MR) - ‘Be Your Best’ for participating well in class discussions. Mia, your contribution to answering class questions and asking your own has not gone unnoticed. Well done!
- Maddi Tamblyn (12MR) - ‘Be Your Best’ for making the most of every learning opportunity, and for completing work to the best of her ability. Well done Maddi!
- Jude Nicholson (12MR) - ‘Be Your Best’ for beginning to show a willingness to complete part of the daily writing tasks. Keep up the wonderful effort.
- Ava Stergiadis (12GM) - ‘Help Others Succeed’ for being an inclusive and caring member of our class by always looking out for others. It was brilliant to see how helpful and supportive you were of your classmates after swimming!
- Arlie Sinderberry (12GM) - ‘Be Your Best’ for demonstrating an excellent understanding of tessellations by creating a visually engaging pattern that continued to repeat. Well done Arlie!
- Ava Sharma (12NW) - ‘Be Your Best’ for your dedication towards your learning. Ava, you consistently show enthusiasm to every learning activity. It’s always a pleasure to see.
- Lenny Shields (12NW) - ‘Be Responsible’ for showing responsibility towards your learning. Lenny, you’re always one of the first to become organised and your schoolwork is always done to a high standard. Well done.
Year 3 & 4 |
- Prabhleen Kaur (34ZH) - ‘Be Your Best’ for always completing your work to the best possible quality. Your consistent effort with your work brightens my day and our classroom. Fantastic work!
- Jaxson Kynsak (34RP) - ‘Be Your Best’ for working hard to write neatly and spell known words correctly in your story writing. Keep up the great effort Jaxson!
- Marlie Watson (34RP) - ‘Be Your Best’ for trying your best in all areas. It is wonderful to see the way you give everything a try, Marlie. Keep up the great effort!
- Quinn Priddle (34LD) - ‘Help Others Succeed’ for taking the time to care for her friends. Quinn, you consistently seek ways to care for others and it makes our school a great place to be. Well done, Quinn!
- Hamish Trimble (34LD) - ‘Be Your Best’ for showing such magnificent resilience. Hamish, you have taken on new challenges and multiple changes with no fuss. Keep up the great work, Hamish!
Year 5 & 6 |
- Zeke Tamblyn (56LB) - ‘Be Your Best’ for his strong work ethic in the classroom. Zeke is striving to get the best out of himself during class time and should be proud of his efforts. Well done, Zeke!
- Chelsey Bennett (56LB) - ‘Be Your Best’ for her amazing commitment to her work during class time. Well done, Chelsey!
- Alexis Weekley (56TD) - ‘Be Your Best’ for making a great start at St Joseph’s. Lexi, it's great to see you settling in and making new friends at school. You have shown a great work ethic in the classroom and have made a seamless transition to St Joseph’s. Well done Lexi.
- Finn Dart (56TD) - ‘Be Your Best’ for always striving to complete his work to a high standard. Finn consistently works hard in the classroom and it is clear to see in the amazing quality of his work. Keep up the good work Finn.
- Brady Brown (56EN) - ‘Be Your Best’ for his commitment and dedication shown to his Information Report. Brady, you have put in your best efforts to make your report interesting and engaging to read. You have shown persistence in your editing and revising as well. Great work!
- Maxwell Kingdom (56EN) - ‘Be Your Best’ for your effort and enthusiasm shown in your Information Report. You have produced a report that is well structured and well researched. You should be proud of yourself!
- Aubrey McKenna (56EN) - ‘Help Others Succeed’ for your great ideas and creative outlook in the PBIS team. You show enthusiasm and vibrancy during our discussions Aubrey. A valuable member of our team!
Happy Birthday
We wish many happy returns to all September birthdays - Peggy Freemantle (12NW), Zeke Tamblyn (56LB), Millie Jensen (12NW), Brady Brown (56EN), Oscar Johannesen (34LD), Rupert McMillan (34ZH), Leo Nihill (34ZH), Thomas Marasco (56EN), Ella Cornish (56LB), Hamish Trimble (34LD), Ned Buckeridge (34LD), Harvey McMillan (56TD), Joshua Maiai (12NW), Ruby Dean (56LB), Sophia Harvey FSC), Atticus McAllan (34ZH), Abigail White (FBW), Albie Buckeridge (12NW), Denzel Summerhayes (FBW), Poppy Ken (12NW), Lenny Shields (12NW), Max Shields (12NW) and Liam Tarrant (56LB),
We also wish Ibu Etty Lerk a very happy birthday.