Careers and VET

Year 10 and 11 Students
Students who selected a Vocational Pathway for 2025 – Your TAFE and Workplace Learning applications are due URGENTLY. The very last opportunity for competitive TAFE applications is Week 3.7 and Workplace Learning applications should be completed by Week 3.8
If you are having any difficulties, or just want to check that you have fulfilled all requirements, please come to the Careers Centre at recess or lunchtime this week.
Workplace Learning
For any student that selected Career and Enterprise, you were sent a Direct Message by Mrs Stirling in Week 3.5, which contained the link to complete your Workplace Learning Application. If you have any questions, please visit the WorkPrep Office in Cappenburg.
School Based Traineeship Opportunities – Year 10 Students
Year 10 students are eligible to apply for School Based Traineeships. This involves a combination of paid employment and vocational training within a business/organization during school hours. It can be undertaken as part of Vocational Pathway C in Year 11 and 12 (two year program). SBTs are available through Leisure Australia, Western Power and the Public Sector. More information can be found here SBT
External TAFE Courses
- Year 10 students received an information pack at their Subject Selection Meetings on Monday – spare copies are available from the Careers Centre. This provides details about how to apply for relevant TAFE courses.
- All students can access a summary of the application procedures via this link:
- If you would like assistance with your application, please visit the Careers Centre at recess or lunchtime. Please prepare all documentation in advance – Checklist provided
Year 12 Students
It has been lovely to start meeting with Year 12 students to hear about their post-school plans. All Year 12 students will participate in a Transition Planning meeting at the Careers Centre, over the coming weeks. Individual appointment times were sent out to students via Direct Message.
Careers Calendar
There are still lots of career events and information sessions being held by training providers and industry groups. Check out the Careers Calendar and take note of your favourites. You can access the latest Career Calendar at this link Careers Calendar Term 3, 2024.docx
Mrs K Gonsalves
(Head of Careers and Transition)
Year 10 Work Experience
Congratulations to our Year 10 Career and Enterprise students for successfully completing the Work Experience Program during the first week of Term 3.
The placements covered a wide range of work types, locations, and environments. Through these experiences, students engaged in various activities, gaining valuable insights into their potential future career pathways. They also learned about the skills required for different jobs and assessed their own suitability for these roles. Impressively, some students even secured part-time employment offers. We hope this experience sparks inspiration for their future career aspirations.
A special thanks to all the local employers who supported our program, the parents/carers and the Year 10 CAE teachers who assisted students in preparing for their placements. Additionally, a big thank you goes to the Work Preparation Team for organising the placements and visiting students during their Work Experience.
Work Experience 2025
The Work Prep Team at the College have commenced the organisation of work experience placements for the Year 11 and 12 Career and Enterprise classes for 2025.
Students currently in Year 10 and 11 are reminded to check their direct messages from Mrs Stirling and ensure that they complete their online Pathways preference form by Friday 6th September.
There are a number of local businesses that support the College Work Experience Program, if any parent/carer would like to offer a work experience placement to our pupils please contact the College Work Prep Team;
Mrs M Stirling
(Director of VET)