Religious Education and Social Justice

Food Donations - St Vincent de Paul
As mentioned in recent newsletters we are still collecting food donations as an ongoing support of the work of St Vincent de Paul who assist people in need in our local area.
If anyone would like to continue to donate packets or cans of food they can be dropped off at the school Library at any time and our Social Justice Leaders, George and Mila, will regularly deliver the items to the church for collection. This is a wonderful way that we can continue to follow in the footsteps of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop to care for people in need.
Pope Francis' Reflection on Reading
In his letter, The Role of Literature in Formation, Pope Francis addresses the benefits of reading novels and poems as part of one’s path to personal maturity. Books open up new inner spaces, help us to face life, and understand others.
Pope Francis emphasises that a good book,‘...can provide an oasis that keeps us from other choices that are less wholesome. Likewise, in moments of weariness, anger, disappointment or failure, when prayer itself does not help us find inner serenity, a good book can help us weather the storm until we find peace of mind.’
Of course, the most important book of our Catholic faith is the Bible where we can read the teachings of Jesus through scripture.
The Scriptures give us hope and encouragement as we wait patiently for God’s promises to be fulfilled. – Romans 15:4
Heavenly Father,
thank you for the Scriptures
that were written for our instruction.
Thank you for the hope and encouragement
I can gain as I read about your word being fulfilled in the coming of Jesus.
May I wait with joyful expectation
for the ultimate fulfillment of your promises
at the second coming of Jesus,
where I will live with Him forever.
Jane Wilkinson
Religious Education Leader