Student Superstars!

Reports from our Blocks

C Block

100 Days of Learning:

Tuesday, 30 July was 100 days since Kindergarten started school, so we tried to dress up like a 100 year old. We spoke about what we might look like and what we might be doing if we turn 100 years old.

We listened to many stories about 100 days of school. We counted and organised 100 beans and had to count out 100 Fruit Loops to make our necklaces (without eating them!). We looked hard to find and colour the number 100 and tried to add 100 features to a monster. We painted 100 dots in groups of 10 to make a 100 poster. 

At the end of the day, we played with 100 cards, 100 pieces of Lego, 100 big blocks, 100 beads and a puzzle with 100 pieces. We all had a great day!



KJ literally started off the term running, with the athletics carnival in week 2. We participated in lots of fun activities and finished off with the running races at the end of the day. Also that week, we celebrated 100 Days of Kindergarten as well as our learning with our parents in our 3-way conferences. We had great fun in the Life Education van and KJ also enjoy our play sessions with KP on a Friday afternoon. There was a surprise when a family of ducks including 10 ducklings walked past our classroom!



KP have been working very hard this term and having lots of fun along the way. A great day was had for the 100th day of Kindergarten. Students and teachers dressed up and participated in many fun activities. There was a visit to Healthy Harold where the students engaged in discussions about being healthy. Learning about numbers and the various ways they are represented along with much much more.



We are already halfway through Term 3! 1/2M have been busy learning about many things. In writing, we have been learning about hybrid texts and about how they can tell a story and give us information. In mathematics, we have been learning to collect and analyse data using a Venn Diagram, picture graph and tally chart. In science, we are learning about landscapes and how it changes while in Geography we have been learning about the continents and oceans. 1/2M loved visiting Health Harold and learned how to keep themselves and others safe. We cannot wait to see what the rest of the term will bring!



1/2 D have had an interesting first half of term 3, starting with their teacher going on maternity leave to have her baby! How exciting! Over the past few weeks 1/2 D have been learning all about the continents and oceans of the world in Geography, as well as learning about Earth and Space and their surrounding landscapes in Science. In PD/H/PE students are learning all about what keeps them safe in a variety of situations, which was timed perfectly with a visit from Healthy Harold. This incursion gave students the opportunity to participate in a range of activities and discussions regarding rules and responsibilities to keep not only themselves safe, but others too!



It is hard to believe that we are already halfway through Term 3! We used our environmental superpowers and birdwatching skills when investigating data in Maths. We became travel agents in Geography, planning an ‘Around the World’ cruise that visited all the continents, even Antarctica! In Science, we have started learning about changes in the night sky and have shown a lot of interest in moon phases and constellations. Our favourite thing so far… visiting Healthy Harold!! He taught us a lot about all the different ways to stay safe. We even got to give him a pat. There are still so many things that we are looking forward to over the next 5 weeks. Stay tuned.


D Block

A recap of learning from Term 2:



Kalaysia Mataele:In Term 2 we went on an adventure of learning, but I’m going to be talking about the books we read in Component B for English. The first book that we read was Desert Lake, the story of Kati Thanda Lake Eyre by Pamela Freeman & Liz Anelli. Desert Lake was a hybrid text between informative and narrative, we had lots of fun during that time. The other book that we are currently reading is Deadly Science, Wild Weather by Corey Tutt. Deadly Science is about the weather and natural disasters. Deadly Science is a hybrid text with three different genres being historical, scientific and informative. That’s Component B from Term 2 that took us on a rollercoaster ride of learning with the amazing Mrs Loveday and fantastic Mrs McKenzie! 

Aya Osman: In Term 2 I had a great time in science class. We learnt about food and fibre. We made damper which is a type of bread and we also made some butter which was extremely fun. We also started to grow a garden outside C Block in our school gardens with peas and carrots. This was a very fun lesson in 4/5LM. In Term 2, the whole school participated in Aboriginal games for Reconciliation Week. It was amazing! Our Year 6 buddies came to our classroom and taught us a bit about Reconciliation Week. Last term was amazing and I’m looking forward to a fantastic Term 3! 



Stella Cannon:In Term 2 we learnt about dingoes and an alpine dingo cub. We read a book called Wandi by Favel Parrett, which is about a wild dingo cub who got carried away by an eagle and now lives in a dingo sanctuary. We very much enjoyed the book Wandi. I’m excited to see what’s next!

Nicholas Murphy:Last term we were learning about data. Data can be used in different forms such as tables, graphs and dot plots. Data can be for collecting information. In my opinion I find learning about data interesting. 



Sophie Elok:In class we have been learning about true facts about Antarctica, subheadings and about animals that live in Antarctica. Antarctica is an interesting place to learn about cool animals, icebergs and how glaciers fall and turn into icebergs. My favourite animal in Antarctica is a leopard seal. 

Felicity Kinsey:During class we have been learning how to write informative descriptions. We made one about how to make a bug hotel with a plastic bottle. There was a section for materials and steps. We used words and illustrations to help explain what the reader needs to do. We also used adverbial phrases and adjectives to be specific. I personally think that it has been fun to learn something new. I also think that there have been some challenging bits too, for example when we had to publish using the chromebooks. I thought that was challenging because there were a lot of steps to publish and when we had to illustrate it was a bit hard to think about what to draw and how to draw it. 


E Block

K-6 Koalas

Our Koalas visited the Healthy Harold Life Education van in Week 4. 

K-2 students learned how to maintain a healthy body and be a safe friend.

3-6 students learnt how to be a good friend and understand their emotions.

Our kindergarten Koalas couldn't believe they made friends with a giraffe. They were very sad to say goodbye to Harold after their fun session of learning.


Healthy Harold student recounts:

Jack - Healthy Harold taught me to eat healthy. We played would you rather and showed us where our body parts are. I also got to meet all of Harold’s friends.

Steven - Healthy Harold taught me how to be kind.

Logan Long - Healthy Harold taught me to eat healthy food. Cupcakes and lollies are a sometimes food.

Peter - Healthy Harold told me to eat vegetables and also about our body parts.

Logan Lucas - Healthy Harold taught me about being a good friend and to always be nice



We have been learning about different countries recently, cooking some delicious snacks found in these places around the world. Our class has learnt how to respect the differences of each culture and their unique national dishes (even if we don't like the look of it!). 

K/6T were excited to make their own pizzas at the end of Term 2, but even more thrilled to try dumplings at the beginning of Term 3! Wow, what will we cook up next?


Four of our students participated in a bowling competition against 7 other schools in Week 4. William, Oliver, Connor C and Jack did a fantastic job, bowling with pride for Woodland Road. Although we didn't win, William managed to bowl a great score in the overall competition! Well done boys.




In 5/6BG, we've been diving into the world of Reader's Theatre—a fantastic way for students to shine on stage while enjoying the performance process. Reader's Theatre allows students to bring plays and skits to life without the pressure of memorizing lines. Instead, they use scripts, which means they can focus on expressing their characters and engaging with their audience. This approach not only builds confidence but also enhances their reading and interpretation skills in a fun and supportive environment. We were excited to see the creativity and enthusiasm our students come to life in their performances at the week 3 Whole School Assembly.




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