Principal's Ponderings

From our Principal - Mr Chad Smit

Just a Simple Needle and Thread

As we navigate the day-in day-out of our lives, we often focus on the big goals and challenges we face. We strive to make significant progress, achieve success and overcome the substantial obstacles that stand in our way. Yet, it is often the little things—the small habits, the minor tasks and the seemingly insignificant issues—that quietly undermine our efforts, slowing us down and preventing us from living our best lives.


I have a jacket that I only wear during the coldest days of winter. It is my warmest jacket and I pull it out a few times each year. For the past three years, however, I have noticed a small issue: there is a large hole in my right hand pocket. It is a minor inconvenience — nothing devastating, I hear you think — but every time I wear that jacket, anything I put in the pocket, like my phone or keys, inevitably slips through the hole and gets lost in the lining of the jacket. I am sure you have had this happen too. It is extremely frustrating, and yet, for three years, I have done nothing to fix it! I kept putting it off, telling myself it was not important enough to warrant my time.

This ‘jacket issue’ has made me reflect on how easy it is to overlook the small things in our lives that need attention. We might think, "It is not a big deal," or "I will get to it later." But these little issues, if left unaddressed, can become ongoing sources of frustration and inefficiency. They may not be major problems but they hold us back from being at our best, they prevent us from living fully into the life that God desires for us. This week I realised some other smaller things I needed attending to like: cleaning the gutters, pruning trees and checking large limbs on gum trees.  All these things that do not matter in the day-day routine, until a huge storm comes through and we see the 'fruits' of not checking the small things!


The Bible reminds us of the importance of attending to the small things. In Luke 16:10, Jesus says, "Whoever is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and whoever is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much." This verse challenges us to be diligent in the small things because they reveal our character and shape our ability to handle more significant responsibilities.


Joyce Meyer once said, "It's the little foxes that spoil the vine. It's the little things in our lives that often trip us up and prevent us from growing spiritually." Whether it is a bad habit, a conversation we have been avoiding or a small task we have neglected, these things can hinder our growth and our ability to live the abundant life that God has planned for us.


I encourage each of you to take a moment and consider: Is there something in your life that you have been putting off? Is there a habit you need to break, a relationship that needs mending, an email that needs to be written or a task that you have been avoiding? It might seem small, but addressing it could make a big difference in your life.


You will be happy to hear that just a week ago I wore my jacket to an event, and before I left for the function, I finally stitched up the hole in the pocket! It took only a few minutes, but it has brought me a great sense of relief and satisfaction. No more lost keys or phone, and a small, nagging issue is finally resolved!

Let’s commit together to addressing the small things in our lives, trusting that as we do, God will bless our faithfulness and help us grow into the people He created us to be.


Shalom, shalom.


Chad Smit | Principal