Careers News

Welcome back to Term 4. This edition of the Careers Newsletter contains lots of information for students to gain further insight into careers and pathways.
Don’t forget to also check out our PVCC Careers website for important information for students and parents. You can find our site at:
Items in the Career News include –
- VTAC Key dates
- Deakin New double degree offerings
- Monash University – New Engineering course specialisations
- Differences between a Psychologist and Psychiatrist
- Diploma of Teacher education preparation
- Careers in Real Estate
- Chiropractic, Osteopathy and Remedial Massage degrees in Vic
- Universities in WA
- OT as a Career Information night- Austin Health
- Casual Work opportunity for Year 12 students in Sports Coaching/Umpiring
Dates to Diarise in Term 4
- Year 12 VTAC late applications – 28 September to 3 November
- VTAC SEAS and Scholarship applications – due 6 October
Helen Madden
Careers Practitioner/VET Coordinator