
Welcome back to Term 4!
We have one Spring/Summerish day and now we are back to Winter days again. That has been a real adjustment for my wife and I in recent years as Darwin has a fairly consistent weather pattern, and every day is the same. Except for the odd cyclone. The changes up there a gradual and subtle moving from hot and dry to hot and very wet.
Here we see so many changes all the time. The joy of the blossoms appearing suddenly, the oak tree outside my office loses its last leaves and then the new ones start to appear. The relief of sunny days after the cold and closed in winter. The obvious and sudden cold days immediately after a hot day.
It used to frustrate me when I first arrived, but someone pointed out what a blessing from God it is to be able to see the differences and to have the gratitude to enjoy each one for what it brings. I am learning to embrace that humility instead of wishing for consistent weather that lets me be in charge of everything in my life.
Yesterday, when I apologised to a prep class for the cold and wet day after the beautiful Monday one of the students said, “That’s OK, you don’t control the weather.” How lovely to be forgiven for things that we do not and should not control.
Of course, Term 4 means more than weather change. VCE students are thinking about exams. Our students have two more weeks at school and then almost a week at home or school with direct access to their teachers preparing for the big English Exam on 24 October. Some are regretting decisions they made months ago, and some are nervous but feel like they are ready. Please join with the staff as we pray that they will perform to the best of their ability in all their exams.
We are very aware that there are pressures on families in the current economic climate. You will have received an email from our Business Manager at the beginning of the holidays.
Please know our college loves your children and in partnership with you, we want to see them learn, grow, and become the people that God created them to be. Please be in touch with us if we can work better together.
We encourage you and your student(s) to embrace Term 4 and the events and celebrations ahead, together with the warmer weather – when it comes.
John Metcalfe