
Welcome to the Genazzano Alumnae Newsletter. Throughout this Issue we are excited to share upcoming Alumnae events, invitations and dates that can you mark in your calendar.
We have some exciting events coming up and would love for you to join us. These events are a great way to reconnect with your peers and our Alumnae community. There is nothing better than a room that comes alive with the sound of ‘Gen Girls’.
During the last quarter, we have held two successful Alumnae events, the first was the introduction of the Fidelis Lunch with over 120 alumnae attending, who graduated 50+ years ago. Many memories, stories and a lot of laughter was shared amongst past pupils that day. It was a wonderful event and was great attended, it will now be an annual event on the Alumnae calendar. We look forward to next year’s lunch.
On a Sunday afternoon in July, we hosted our Breakfast at Tiffany’s Movie Fundraiser in the Madeleine Centre. The movie was complimented with light refreshments beforehand. Alumnae that attended commented how lovely it was coming back to the school and enjoyed catching up with former classmates.
The Alumnae Association host a range of different events throughout the year and we look to accommodate our community which is made up of supportive women from different age groups. Whether you have just left school, started your career or are midway through, embracing motherhood or are out of school 50+ years ago and more, we have an event for you. It’s very important that you feel you have a way to connect to one another.
Our next event is the Business Breakfast on the Thursday 26 October at Kooyong Lawn Tennis Club, we look forward to welcoming you there.
The Alumnae Association has grown this year with several new members joining the committee. Our committee members are from different year levels and work in different professions and sectors. This brings a cross section of Alumnae with different ideas and interests and as a result a dynamic committee has been formed.
The Alumnae Association welcomes new members and is adapting new ideas and opportunities to reunite our community. All alumnae are welcome to join the Association, please email Stephanie Johnston Association President at
presidentalumnae@genazzano.vic.edu.au if you are interested or would like to discuss anything.
As always, we would love to hear about and celebrate your achievements. Please email your family news, career achievements or stories to alumnae@genazzano.vic.edu.au.
Best Wishes,
Stephanie Johnston | Alumnae Association President
Committee Call Out
As we embark on our new strategic planning phase, we are looking for expressions of interest from alumnae with experience or interest in joining the following committees:
- Finance
- Governance and Risk
- Infrastructure and Sustainability.
The terms of reference are available on request if you are interested.
Please email alumnae@genazzano.vic.edu.au.
We invite you to join our Alumnae & Friends Playgroup in Term Four.
Our ELC facilitated, co-educational playgroup is available to children aged from 6 months to 3 years and at a cost of $120 per child, per term. Groups are limited to 12 children per session and siblings are welcome at a discounted fee. Sessions run each Friday during the school term from 9.30am to 11.00am.
Click here to find out more and register.
Please email playgroup@genazzano.vic.edu.au if you have any queries.