




This term is an exciting Term for reading as we are looking at picture books through an ‘Author Study’. Year One students will be investigating the author Anthony Browne while Year Two students are looking at Pamela Allen. 

We will be noticing the craft these authors use to make their books interesting to the reader. Both authors are wonderful, and we know the students will enjoy being immersed in such engaging literature. We really want students to read for enjoyment and to develop a love of reading.  Although we are investigating these authors, we would encourage families to spend time reading a wide range of literature to find books that engage the reader. 


At home, while reading with your child, you may like to talk about what the author did to make the book interesting. Ask your child what craft they notice in the book. Some possible craft we will be investigating may include repetition, ellipses, surrealism, bold words, use of colour, rhyme, similes, page layout and time lapse. 




Building on from our Author study in Reading, we will be experimenting with the craft we noticed the authors using and trying it in our own writing. Some of the craft we will be putting into our writing is: repetition, onomatopoeia, ellipses, alliteration, bold words, surrealism, similes and rhyming. We will also be noticing the illustration techniques used such as the page layout, picture borders and the use of colour to make our writing as interesting as it can be to the reader.


Another part of the writing process is to give and receive feedback to lift the quality of the writing piece and to make it more engaging to the reader. Students will be doing this using the TAG strategy- Tell something you like, Ask a question and Give a suggestion. 


Please ask your child about their writing or come into our corridors where your child’s writing is displayed so your child can share it with you. You could ask your child what craft they have used in their writing and why they used that craft.