Parents' Association News

Connection, Information & Feedback

2023 Ladies Lunch Wrap

The BSC Parent’s Association hosted their annual Ladies Lunch last Saturday and what a colourful event it was. Our school ladies certainly came out for a good time - dressed in spring colours with heels, handbags and big smiles.


And speaking of handbags, what a fun icebreaker game to get the ball rolling: Handbag Roulette. Each table worked together to produce handbag contents, facing immediate elimination if they couldn’t produce an item. Congratulations to our winning table #8 who enjoyed the prize of two bottles of bubbly to share, sponsored by our hosts, True South. 


Our guest speaker, Claudia Domancie, Mind and Body Coach from local business Body Design, talked to us about self-awareness of our mind and body, and how this can affect our overall wellbeing. She also kindly offered the first 10 people to click on her code a free appointment and small gift. 


We were also lucky enough to have Zoe & Chloe & Co jewellery stall at our event, displaying beautiful jewellery for purchase. May-Britt is a school Mum and very supportive of school events. It was great to see many purchasing gems for themselves and presents.


The enjoyment level of the afternoon was evident by the level of chatter throughout the venue. We enjoyed delicious food, lots of bubbles, a lucky spot prize, and raffle prizes totalling more than $1,000. Big shout-out to many local businesses for their kind donations!


The feedback received on the day was extremely positive and everyone was very appreciative of the event. It was obvious we all loved the opportunity to mix with each other and make new acquaintances. 


Thank you to all the ladies who supported the event.


Lisa, Leigh, Shilpa and Viv

BSC Parents’ Association Ladies Lunch Organising Committee

Year Level Representatives

Are you keen to get involved but short of time? 

We are looking for a representative (or two) for each year level. The purpose of the reps will be to attend meetings once a term, and assist with specific year level activities for parents and students. 


Please reach out to to find out more about this great opportunity to be part of our vibrant parent community.


We welcome feedback and aim to act as a liaison between the school and our parent community. 

Come along to our meetings and share your ideas and thoughts. In the meantime, please feel free to contact us at


Parents' Association Committee

Clifford Francis (President)

Leigh Hogarty (Vice President)

Lisa Cleland (Vice President)

Vivienne Woollett (Treasurer)

Shilpa Prajapati (Secretary)

Clifford Francis
Leigh Hogarty
Lisa Cleland
Vivienne Woollett
Shilpa Prajapati
Clifford Francis
Leigh Hogarty
Lisa Cleland
Vivienne Woollett
Shilpa Prajapati