Y7 French & Japanese Cultural Day

Our Year 7 Cultural Day (12 October) was a delightful immersion into the rich traditions of France and Japan. From mastering the art of crepe-making, complete with flipping them to perfection and adding scrumptious toppings, to experiencing the lively performance of 'French Music and Mime' by Philippe et Jacques, the day was filled with exciting learning opportunities. 


One of the highlights was the Japanese Sumie session. Students had the chance to paint bamboo in the elegant Japanese style, employing traditional brush strokes. Witnessing the teacher skilfully grind ink with an ink stick and water added an extra layer of fascination.


Taiko drumming, an energetic and rhythmic Japanese tradition, proved to be a hit. Amidst the beats, students also crafted delicate paper cranes and balloons from origami paper. The Kendama, a challenging Japanese toy, provided an entertaining test of skill and balance.


A great journey through diverse cultural experiences!

Best Dressed 

Some students received prizes for the best dressed. Congratulations to Tyler B, Chloe C, Ajay S, Mia S and Charlotte R for the best dressed in French themed costumes! Congratulations to Teerapat S, Parshan N and Namkha P for the best dressed in Japanese themed costumes! 

Ms Diana Schepisi, Ms Maiko Yamane & Ms Phoebe Wardlaw


Ms Schepisi
Ms Yamane
Ms Wardlaw
Ms Schepisi
Ms Yamane
Ms Wardlaw