Year 3/4

Year 3/4 Cluster News Term 3 Week 9

Home Inquiry

Reading: Spend 15 minutes reading. Share what you have been reading with an adult and summarise the main story line in just a few sentences. Describe what the main character is like. 

Maths: Practise your times tables. Can you answer random multiplication tables that an adult asks you to? Please focus on 2,3,4 times tables this week. 

Home Inquiry: Discuss the importance of labelling kitchen items and chemicals in the home. What happens when you apply heat to various kitchen foods/ingredients? E. g. Sugar, butter, nuts, onion, and any others you discover while helping prepare dinner!

Learning this week


Jolly Spelling: Year 3: a for <ar> sound as in ask, lava. Year 4: suffix “– ery” as in gallery, pottery.  


Jolly Grammar: Year 3: Object of a sentence. Year 4: Homophone mix-ups


Writer’s Workshop:  Students will begin to learn about notetaking when reading non-fiction and researching on given topics. They will begin to identify and use strategies to help them find key ideas in texts and form written notes from them. 

Reader’s Workshop: Students will work on strategies to help them with understanding the texts they are reading (comprehension strategies). There will be a focus in inferring meaning behind the text.  


This week we will continue with our work on measurement, with an emphasis on measuring length and area. 

Unit of Inquiry:

We will continue our unit on investigations in “How the World Works”. Having unpacked the Central Idea (Through investigations people have a better understanding of the world), we will further unpack the lines of inquiry and begin to carry out some investigations. (Stay tuned for the Central Idea as this unit develops).  

Christian Studies: 

This term Christian Studies will be a part of our “How We Express Ourselves” unit and we will be looking at different writing genres we find in the Bible. We continue to investigate the Psalms in the Old Testament and Parables that Jesus used to teach about the Kingdom of God. 


This term in health we will begin with healthy lifestyle choices and healthy eating: leading a balanced life. 

Announcements / Diary Dates:

Apps to install: Please ensure that your child has “Word” or “Pages” on their iPad. We will be increasing our use of these word processing apps.



Yours in Christ,  

Jacquie Paech, James Salisbury, Brodie Trezona and Lauren Neumann