
Foundation Cluster News Term 3 Week 9



Dear God,  

Thank you for giving us the time to share our learning with special people in our lives. Thank you for sending us Alex to work with us and teach us. Please be with her as she ends her placement and goes onto teaching other little cherubs. Amen      

Home Inquiry for Foundation that started in Term 1 of 2023

Rest and Play

Continue to provide them time to rest and play when they get home especially with you if you have time.


Jolly Sounds

Your children should be experts on the sounds by now but if they need some letter formation practice please continue to do so


Snap Words

Please keep practicing these. If you want to extend them, please get them to write them in a sentence or say them in a sentence to you. Children are still working at their own pace if they are ready for the next sheet please let us know. 


Jolly Words

Jolly Words are a great way of children using both their sound knowledge and blending skills. If you want to extend your child please get them to write a few of these words in a sentence. 

 Please keep these in their Jolly pouch always. See our Youtube channel for the video showing how to do them.


Home Reading

Students have 4 books which they have been practicing at school the week prior. These books they have brought home are to be read as a celebration of their achievements. Just a reminder please keep their take home book bag inside their take home folder and bring this to school each day.

Home Inquiry for Foundation that started in Term 3 of 2023


Rest and play

Your children have been working extremely hard all day at school and we encourage you to let your child rest and play when they get home. Give them time to digest what they have learnt throughout the day before asking too many questions.


Wednesday Rest day for Term 3

The purpose of having rest days is to build up their learning stamina, as we consider a lot of the children would be used to having three days of kindy and this would look different to them having five days of Foundation learning. We often notice when they start full 5 days of learning there are a lot of high emotions and children feeling tired after 3 days of full learning, therefore would like to encourage you take this opportunity to allow your child to rest on each Wednesday as this will help them to slowly get used to being at school for five full days. This means they are to play and have some time with you cooking, creating or just doing something fun together. It is not a day where they do any work. Your child’s wellbeing means a lot to us and we want them to continue to have a smooth transition into Foundation. We know some parents have work commitments, so you are still able to send them to school we just know the importance of building up their learning stamina.


Word study (purple pouch)

Jolly phonics: In your child’s take home folder, there is a purple pouch with the Jolly Phonics focus sounds and actions. Students will receive 6 sounds each week on a piece of paper. Students need to be able to recognise and write them in order to recognise them in words. We have a YouTube channel where we have recorded the sounds, actions and formations so please watch at home:

Learning program: 

Readers Workshop – Bigger books… Bigger Reading muscles… 

Word Study – Students have been split into 2 groups 

-Purple is focusing on snap words 

-Orange focusing on all the alphabet sounds, cvc words, blending and initial sounds 

Bookmaking – Spotlight session: Eric Carle and his different ways of writing / creating


Inquiry into Maths 

Sharing between people


More or less 


Who We Are 

Central Idea: Everyday, people learn more about themselves and others

Line of inquiry 1: Ways to build and maintain relationships

Line of inquiry 2: Ways people express and read feelings

Line of inquiry 3: Developing ways to grow as learners

Learner Profile: Caring, reflective

Concepts: Change, responsibility 



Christian Studies: Christianity in the World 

Key Idea: Religious beliefs and ideas shape people’s thinking and actions

Children identify and acknowledge that people think and live differently.

Kimochis at home: Please ensure they are taken care of and don’t get drawn on or eaten by any family pets. Bring them back on the Monday. If you do not have a printer at home, we are happy to print for you. Thank you!

Week Cat Bug 
Summer Imogen 
Teddy Chase 


If your child has not yet had a chance to take Cat or Bug home, they will have a chance in Term 4.

Big emotions and big behaviours:

This term has been a long term with lots of amazing learning. We have noticed the children are very tired and struggling to regulate their emotions and their behaviours at school. We advise that if you notice that your child is tired they may need a rest day to just get their emotions, bodies and brains back on track. If you could also have a chat to them about protecting their space bubble and others as well as respecting all the teachers and peers that would be great. We are constantly talking to them at school, but any extra chats would be great thanks. 

Snap words: 

Just a friendly reminder to keep practicing the snap words with your children at home. We know there has been lots of new concepts taught this term, but we are noticing they have been forgetting the snap words we have previously taught. 

Farewell Alex:

We have been truly blessed to have Alex teaching your cherubs for the last 5 weeks. It has been wonderful to see the children reacting to Alex and enjoying her lessons she has been teaching. We wish her the very best for her new adventure. We have been very lucky that she was able to finish her final placement with our children. Alex’s last day with us is Friday the 22nd 

Hotter weather: With hotter weather on the way if children could start bringing their hats in their bag that would be great. If you could put sunscreen on them before coming to school on those hot days we then only need to reapply at lunch. On those hot days please ensure they have a coolie bag for their food.


Keep smiling,  

Celeste and Emma 


Celeste Hueppauff:  

Emma Fitridge: