


One of the overarching themes for our school is community, and how we can grow together through collaboration and partnership.


We can do this through the Biblical lens of embracing diversity. Every person on the planet is made in the image of God – there are no exceptions. In our multicultural school, we respect and celebrate the differences between cultures and peoples given for the enhancement of all.


The concept of embracing something  willingly or enthusiastically is striking. It calls us to reflect on how willing we are to welcome with others with open arms, and to accept completely everyone in our school community and those outside of our community, regardless of ability, background or beliefs? No human being is made more or less as God’s image than another.


Special Persons' Afternoon is one great example of how we can come together as a community and enjoy colloaborating together! 


Our prayer is that we may not only celebrate diversity but continue fully embrace it in our words and our actions so that we may grow together in becoming more like Jesus.


Dear God, thanks for the gift of community and being able to celebrate the way that our unique God-given gifts and talents can come together as we collaborate in community to bring glory to you . Amen. 


Will Wallace
