From the Wellbeing Portfolio

On the 28th of July, we celebrated Friendship Day here at Melbourne Girls College!

To celebrate the wellbeing team put together a friendship bracelet workshop where students could come and learn how to create beautiful friendship bracelets with friends. Wool was provided for those participating which included students from year 7 all the way up to year 12.  Those who participated in the workshop all had an excellent time and took time to show their creations as seen in the photos. 


The friendship bracelet workshop aimed to bring students together and promote a sense of connection throughout the school community. 

International Friendship Day has happened annually of 30th of July since 2011. It was promoted by the UN to inspire friendship between different people, cultures, and countries. 

We, the wellbeing team hope that this brings more awareness to how our differences can bring us together and will create an even stronger sense of community within our school.