MGC Parents’ Association News
MGCPA Calendar Tuesday 10th October PA meeting at 6:30pm
Tuesday 28th November PA meeting at 6:30pm
November MGPA Grants announced
Year Level Social Nights
The Year 7 social event held on Friday 25th August was the final PA social night for term 3. We had over 50 guests attend a wonderful night hosted at Burnley Brewing. A big thank you to the PA year level Representatives who organised these events on behalf of the Parents Association. Each year level event has been well attended and feedback has been positive, with the community enjoying the ability to connect with other parents and cares from their child’s year level. The PA aims to bring you more events like this.
Staff Thank you morning tea
The Staff Thank You Morning Tea was hosted on Monday 28th August by a group of Parent Association members with the generosity of our school families. A big thank you to those who contributed delicious homemade goods, cards, and other items to treat our MGC staff. The PA are extremely grateful for your support and the staff were overwhelmed by such a special morning. Thank you also to our year 7 junior ambassadors for creating our beautiful sign.
Father’s Day Breakfast
The Annual Father’s Day Breakfast is such a great morning hosted by the Parents Association in the Gillard Centre, and is always well attended by our students and their dads/guests. Thank you to all those who came along and purchased tickets in our Father’s Day raffle. It’s a lot of fun spoiling dads with prizes at this event and the students had their own little quiz to go into the draw to win a sweets pack! It was wonderful to have our Principal Tamy Stubley attend and draw out the winners for our raffle and quiz.
Congratulations to the winners of our raffle and a big thank you to the generous MGC families who contributed prizes. We were able to raise money that will go towards the Parents’ Association Grants program and other PA initiatives. Also, a big thank you to the wonderful parent volunteers Elisa, Tammy and Yvonne who helped on the day, and MGC staff Nancy, Glen and David for assisting.
MGC Father’s Day Raffle Prizes and winners
Melbourne Fishing Charters voucher donated by the Lindsey family
Won by Nick
Medico Estetica Facial vouchers x 2 donated by the Barbagallo family
Won by Caroline & Indie
Meehan Vineyard Heathcote Wine pack donated by the Meehan family
Won by Christopher
Him gift card
Won by David
Bunnings gift card x 2
Won by Christopher & John
Dan Murphy’s gift card
Won by Matt
MGCPA School Raffle 2023
The PA are hoping to run the MGCPA Raffle once again with the help and generosity of our school community. We are opening an expression of interest to our school community to be included in our 2023 promotion. If you, or a business you know, would like to be included in this wonderful raffle, all proceeds raised from the ticket sales directly benefit our MGC students and the school community. The fundraising from this event allows the PA the ability to offer teaching staff and student groups the chance to apply for funding for ‘extra’ opportunities.
From our 2022 raffle, we were able to provide $29,870 worth of grants towards MGC resources and programs.
Please contact the MGCPA directly with any questions regarding the MGCPA Raffle and if you would like to be included
Join Us!
Next meeting – Tuesday 10th October at 6:30pm
The Parents’ Association is a group of like-minded and eager parents who organise events that connect the community members with each other and the school. We are always on the lookout for extra opinions, ideas, and suggestions - contact us via email or come along to the monthly meetings held in the MGC staff room. Please feel free to join any of the upcoming PA meetings, dates and times can be found on the school’s Compass calendar. Meetings are run in the MGC Staff room on the ground floor, close to the Main Reception entry. Take notice of parking restrictions as a section of the on-street parking permit zones after hours.
MGCPA Official Positions Vacant
We are still seeking new members to get involved in the MGCPA and the following positions are still vacant:
Sponsorship Manager (Vacant position)
Seek sponsorship opportunities to support school events by engaging with MGC parents and local businesses. Provide regular updates on marketing and sponsorship initiatives at regular PA meetings and follow up on agreed action items
Please feel free to join us, we look forward to meeting you.