Year 5/6 News

Welcome to the last Year 5/6 newsletter of the year! We are going to share with you some of the exciting things we have been learning through Term Three and the Start of Term Four!
Pentecost Animations
In Term 3, to support our preparations for Confirmation, the Year 5/6’s created their own animations to tell the story of Pentecost.
When the Pentecost came, all of the believers gathered in one place. Suddenly there was a loud noise from the sky which sounded like a strong wind blowing, it filled the whole house where they were sitting. They looked at each other and it looked like tongues of fire on each of their heads and they could speak lots of languages.
We read the story together and watched animations other people had made. We then created our own animations on that story. It was a lot of fun to do. It took a week to do. We got to choose how we wanted to tell the story and what we wanted to use. My partner and I chose lego animation. Some people chose flip book animation, or stop motion animation with paper or even creating it on Google Slides. It was a great way to link our religion with our integrated studies.
By Veronika and Patrycia
In year 5/6 we have been preparing for the sacrament of Confirmation. Our Confirmation day is on Sunday the 15th of October, we are all very excited! But before our Confirmation, first we need to know what it means, so we have been learning all about what it means to be confirmed. We are going to share what we have been learning and doing!
Confirmation - The Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit - By Lilia
Confirmation is when you confirm your Baptism and make the promises someone else did when you were young. When you Confirm your Baptism you will become a full member of the Church.
There are seven gifts that the Holy Spirit will give you when you have Confirmation:
Wisdom helps us by guiding us through our decisions. Wisdom is a gift that people build up through experience.
Understanding is a gift of thinking and reflecting, It helps you understand God’s doings.
Knowledge is a gift of finding out facts and information, and making smart decisions.
Courage is a gift of strength to do what’s right and whats not always easy to do.
Right judgement this gift can also be known as council it helps us make tough choices and ask “what would Jesus do?”.
Reverence is a gift of honouring God and what he does.
Wonder and Awe is a gift of us to remember God and his power and appreciate him.
Saint Biographies.
To prepare us for Confirmation, we have chosen a Saint to be our confirmation name, so we have been learning about our chosen saints.
In writing we have been starting to look at biographies, a biography is a text about a person’s life written by someone else.
We have been writing a biography for our saint, and putting the information on a poster. You can see our posters up in the church.
Bishop Tony Ireland - By Neev
Bishop Tony Ireland is an Auxiliary Bishop of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne, which means he is assigned to assist the diocese bishop. Today we had the opportunity to meet with Bishop Tony before our confirmation ceremony on Sunday. He came to meet us and to ask some questions about our chosen Saint and tell us more about Confirmation, and he is going to lead the Confirmation Mass on Sunday.
We are all so excited to experience Bishop Tony blessing us to be confirmed.
Confirmation Retreat Day - By Neev
On the last Thursday of last term, the year 5/6s had our Confirmation Retreat Day. It was a great day where we got to see many churches, and meet lots of kind people. The main purpose of going out to the Confirmation Retreat Day was to reflect on what it means to be part of the Catholic Church and what we can do to help those around us.
Public Speaking
This term the year 5/6s have the opportunity to participate in the public speaking course. Every Thursday when Mrs de Geest comes to our school, four or five people get to give a speech. We are all starting with a speech about ourselves. Mrs de Geest teaches us tips on how to write a really good speech. She also challenges us to use other phrases at the end instead of ‘thank you for listening.
Another thing she taught us is to memorise at least the first 2 or 3 sentences so we can say it without looking at the speech. This helps us seem more confident and starts the speech really well.
We are also learning how to answer off the cuff questions. These are basically speeches we do on the spot without any preparation. First of all she asks a question for example ‘what things do you like to do with your family?’ then she will call on a person and that person needs to come up and answer it in a mini speech that goes for just one minute.
At the end of all of this we vote for the best off the cuff speech and the best prepared speech. These are the ones that we think spoke the best in front of the class. These people then get a certificate to congratulate them on a good speech. We are really enjoying the public speaking course and look forward to getting to give a speech to the class.
Hello everyone, in mathematics this term we are learning about different types of angles. For example we have learnt that complementary angles are two or more angles that when combined equal 90° and supplementary angles are two or more angles that when combined equal 180°
Here are some examples of other angles
Co-interior angles:
Co-interior angles are formed when two lines are crossed by another line. When the lines being crossed are parallel, the pair of co interior angles will away be 180 degrees. Hint: Look for the C.
Corresponding Angles:
Corresponding angles are angles that are formed when two lines are crossed by another line. If the lines being crossed are parallel, both corresponding angles will be the same.
Hint: Look for the F.
Alternate angles:
Alternate angles are two angles when 2 lines are crossed by another line. When the lines are being crossed are parallel the pair of alternate angles will mostly be Z. The angles are always equal.
Vertically opposite angles:
Vertically opposite angles Angles that are opposite each other and when a two line cross, it always degrees
We have also learnt that triangles have three angles that all add up to 180° and quadrilaterals (that is a shape with 4 sides) have four angles that all add up to 360°
It has been a lot of fun learning about angles and we even made some angle art using different shapes and writing our names!
Parliament House
In the previous term, the year 5/6 students of our school were given an exciting opportunity to visit the iconic Parliament House in Melbourne. The visit proved to be an educational experience for all of us as the students got to learn about the process of law-making and how the government functions. Following the visit, the students created a series of posters to showcase their own knowledge.
In Melbourne, the Parliament House in Victoria is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the city. There are two main levels in the building: the Legislative Assembly and the Legislative Council. The students were fascinated to learn about the history and workings of these two houses during their visit.
Let's hear what some of the students had to say about their experience at the Parliament House.
Julian: “It was an amazing experience to visit the Parliament House. I particularly enjoyed exploring the upper and lower houses and learning about the mace which was stolen and still hasn't been found.”
Samuel: “I thought that the excursion was pretty interesting even though I already knew some stuff. The inside has a lot of history to learn. We all got to learn about how parliament works. I thought it was pretty fun.”
Nav:” My experience in parliament was fantastic, I was amazed by the gold and I wanted to pull a picture but I could not”.
Media Arts
ACMI Excursion
On the 6th of September, the year 5/6 students went on an excursion to ACMI, Australian Center of Moving Images. We were joined by the 5/6 students of St Mary East Malvern and we all really enjoyed it. The day was filled with learning about different types of animations and checking out all the really cool things around ACMI. Such as inventions and famous people which helped the film industry, and being able to create our own stop motion animation.
One of the things we did was go into a folio room. The folio room was a room that played a movie and you had to make the sounds. We also created some top down animations with costumes. We did this by putting the costumes on the ground and the camera on top of them took photos whilst we moved everything in small increments.
Overal, the day was a blaaaaasssssssst and it was so much fun.
Physical Science
In Physical Science we have started learning about light and colour, and later this term we will learn about electrical circuits. We have created Posters explaining what we know about light and electricity, and it has been very fun learning about physical science so far.
On Wednesday we had an incursion about light. We used torches and mirrors to see how light can bend and different colour aspects of light. Fun Fact: Light bends in space! It was a really fun incursion and we look forward to our electricity incursion in week 5.
Light doesn’t have any mass which is why it is able to travel so fast. Anything with mass; us, fruit, computers and so on, can’t travel at the speed of light. Basic light is created by heating up electrons, which causes them to move back and forth, shedding energy in the form of light.
Electricity is created by moving magnets around some sort of wire. The changing magnetic fields creates electricity, and when we attach other wires to the main wire, we can harness that energy.
We’re really looking forward to learning more about electricity and light, and hope to share more with you later on.
In Term Three a number of students from Years 3-6 attended the Holt Athletics day. Everyone did really well and a number of students were invited to attend the Beachside Athletics this term.
On Tuesday the 10th of October six students from our school attended Beachside Athletics. The six students were Poppy in High Jump, Lion in High Jump, Yiani in the 800M, Evelyn in the 200M, Fiona in Discus, and Maeve in Shot Put. Everybody tried their hardest and were proud of everyone for trying and making it to Beachside.
Year 6 Celebrations
As everyone knows, things always come to an end right? Well the grade 6’s this term have been preparing for GRADUATION! We have been reflecting on our time at St Anthony’s, looking through our computers trying to find as many pictures of us in past years.
As we have been looking, we have seen how lucky we are to do all the fun things like making pizza, having cake on our 100 days of school and even having lots of fun parading around the Padua for book week!
Part of our graduation ceremony will be performing a dance. We hav ebeen discussing a few songs for this dance and look forward to recording it for our parents to see on the night.
Big Day Out
Another exciting thing the Year 6s get to do at the end of the year is Big Day Out!! We are so excited to get to spend the day together to celebrate the end of our primary school experience. Throughout this term we have had a few discussions about what we will do. We have a couple of ideas including Ice Skating, Lasertag, Bounce, Archie Brothers Arcade, Table Tennis and Movies. Miss Norton and Mrs Casey are working on organising a great day for us for the last Thursday of the term. We can’t wait to celebrate our last moments together!