
What a great start to our final term of the year! All students have started the term in a positive way and are looking forward to the term ahead. Our classes are continuing to learn new concepts. Each class starts their lessons with the Daily Reviews to provide students with opportunities to revise concepts taught throughout the year so their learning can move into their long-term memory.
Look at all the great learning we have planned for this term:
Maths in the Junior Classrooms
Our Prep students started the term by learning about division and sharing. Students have been playing games and using hands-on materials to create groups from bigger numbers.
Our Year 1/2 students have also started the term learning about division and sharing. They have been using hands-on materials to form groups to model problems. They love to use their mini-whiteboards at the start of their lesson for the Daily Review! This is an opportunity for students to review everything they have been learning through the year in Mathematics.