Important Dates

Please note the following dates for term 4:
- Saturday 14 October - Referendum / PFA Sausage Sizzle & Cake Stall
- Sunday 15 October - Confirmation 2.00pm
- Monday 16th October - Tuesday 17th October - Yr 3/4 Camp
- Tuesday 17 October - SAC Meeting 7.30pm
- Friday 20 October - Car Free Day - students encouraged to walk, ride or scoot to school
- Thursday 26 October - St Anthony's School Art Show 6.30-8.30pm
- Wednesday, 1st November - All Saints Day
- Thursday 2nd November - All Souls Day
- Monday 6th November - School Closure Day (no OSHC available)
- Tuesday, 7th November - Melbourne Cup Public Holiday (school closed)
- Wenesday, 8th Noveber - Prep 2024 Information Night 7.00pm
- Saturday, 11th November - Remembrance Day
- Friday, 17th November - St Anthony's Athletics Day
- Tuesday 21st November - School Advisory Council (SAC) Annual General Meeting 7.30pm
- Monday, 27 November - Friday 8th December (excluding Tuesdays) - swimming program for all students
These dates are also available on our School Website under the 'News' tab - scroll down to the Calendar or use this link.