School Attendance and Punctuality

From Adrienne, Acting Assistant Principal


Since our last newsletter, we have continued to diligently track our attendance data which has demonstrated a recent decline in both overall school attendance and punctuality.

Absence decrease

Our overall school attendance has experienced a decline, now standing at 85%. This represents a noticeable decrease from the commendable 92% we celebrated in our previous newsletter.

Surge in late arrivals

The number of students arriving late at school has surged from 192 students during our last communication to 244 in the past week. This translates to an average of 48 students arriving late every day.


We fully appreciate that life can be unpredictable, and unforeseen circumstances may arise. However, as a community deeply committed to providing the best possible education for our students, we collectively face this challenge. It is of utmost importance to recognise that students can only engage effectively in their learning if they are present and punctual.

To address this issue, we want to outline the steps we will be taking in term 4:

  • Continued Monitoring: We will continue to monitor our school’s attendance and punctuality data, sharing it with you regularly through our newsletter to maintain transparency and chart our progress.
  • Family Engagement: In situations where attendance issues persist, our school will reach out to families via either email or phone call, and in some cases organise a face-to-face meeting.
  • Reinforcing Our Message: We will continue to emphasise the importance of attendance and punctuality within our school community through our newsletter. 

Education is a partnership between the school, parents, and students. We wholeheartedly invite all members of our school community to contemplate the significance of consistent attendance and punctuality in the educational journey. Our shared commitment to overcoming this challenge will greatly enhance the educational experience for our students.