Message from Principal Sarah

From Sarah Nightingale, Principal 

As we head towards the end of Term 3, there is still so much to happen in the remaining days of what has proven to be a very busy term! 

Parent/Teacher Interviews

This afternoon and tomorrow afternoon parents and teachers have an opportunity to come together for our Parent Teacher Interviews. This is a chance to share your child’s learning from the term, celebrate successes and plan for future goals. We hope everyone enjoys the opportunity to touch base.

End of Term Assembly

Our whole school assembly will be taking place on Friday 15th September at 2pm at our Errol Street Campus. All students will be dismissed at 2:30pm from Errol Street. Families are welcome to attend.

Junior and Senior BEK after school care will run out of Errol Street on Friday 15th September.

Parent/Carers Opinion Survey

As shared in previous newsletters, this year we have distributed our Parent/Carers Opinion Survey to all families. At the moment, we only have a 15% response rate from our Junior Campus (Molesworth Street) and a 10% response rate from our Senior Campus (Errol Street). We are hoping that all families will complete the survey this year, as the results are highly valued in terms of continuous improvement and future planning for our school. If you haven’t already, please take the time to complete this survey. Information is available on Compass. The survey period closes on Friday 15th September.


As the weather warms up and ahead of Term 4, we would like to take the opportunity to remind families that NMPS is a SunSmart school. Please ensure your child has a broad brimmed hat and appropriate SunSmart clothing for school. For more information, please see our Sun Protection Policy and Student Dress Code Policy.

R U Okay? Day

R U Ok? Day is Thursday 14th September. This is our National Day of Action when we remind Australians that every day is the day to ask, ‘are you okay?’ R U Ok? Day provides us with a wonderful opportunity to do just that. This special day serves as a reminder for us all to reach out, start conversations, and ensure the well-being of our friends, family, and colleagues.

At NMPS, we will acknowledge R U Ok? Day with staff and students.

Brekkie BBQ

A huge thank you to our Parents and Friends Association for organising our Brekkie BBQ event on Friday 1st September. What a wonderful success! It was lovely to see the school filled with students and families despite the rain at the beginning of the day. Thank you to everyone that came along to enjoy a sausage, donut, or a hot drink. Please check out our Cross Campus Connections and P&F pages for some photos of the event.

Happy Holidays


Just a reminder that school finishes at 2:30pm on Friday. All students will be dismissed from our Errol Street Campus after our whole school assembly. 

I hope everyone has a relaxing and enjoyable break. We look forward to seeing everyone return next term on Monday 2nd October.