Assistant Principal News

Welcome back to Term 4!


Last term was full of exciting events with our Athletics Carnival, incursions, excursions and our School Production. We will continue to schedule special events throughout the term and I hope our students are looking forward to them. I am looking forward to working with all of our students, teachers and parents over the next few months. I am also looking forward to meeting our 2024 Prep students soon, as the transition sessions will commence on Week 3! Term 4 will also provide our current CPS students with some opportunities to prepare for transitioning to next year. We will inform you about this when it’s closer to such events.



Use of Students Photos on Personal Social Network Platforms


Providing opportunities for our students to participate in fun and engaging activities will continue to be our ongoing commitment to our students. We always welcome our parents to participate in such opportunities as a volunteer helper or just as a spectator. Could we please politely ask families to respect the privacy of all our students and limit this to taking photos or videos of your child only. Please refrain from filming our school assembly as this involves many of our students. Our staff are keen to share what their students are working on in the classroom via the SeeSaw app, Area newsletter and the whole school newsletter, including photos. Please be reminded that downloading and posting those photos on personal social network platforms is not permitted. 



Snapshots from our classrooms


When I visited Y3/4B classroom, Onda Sensei was asking her students adjectives that could describe a visual image. Students were encouraged to think about a few adjectives and connect them together. When two adjectives are put together, the first adjective changes its word form which those students had previously learnt. It is a difficult concept, but students were doing this with accuracy. So impressive!















In Y3/4 English class, students were working in groups. Each of them has formed a ‘Book Club’, reading a same book. One of the students, Masa, explained to me that in their Book Club they discussed their prediction, opinions and thoughts on the book as they read. Another student, Ada, shared that she enjoys reading to her friends as well as listening to them reading to her so that she could think deeply about the texts. Lewis agreed to what Ada said and he felt that Book Club is helping him to focus on and engage with the texts. Anastasia explained to me that they planned how much they would read for each week for the rest of the term! What a great way to enjoy reading a book!! 

















In Y5/6 classroom, students were working on problem solving during Maths lesson. Mari Sensei was encouraging her students to work in groups and discuss their thinking while solving a problem. Being able to find a correct answer is important, but being able to explain their thinking and reasons why they solved a problem in a certain way is also a critical skill to be a great mathematicians.
