A Word From Leadership

Good Shepherd Strategic Plan

The school's new Strategic Plan was shared with all families earlier in the week. We are excited about the future direction of the school. If you haven't seen it yet, please watch the video below!

ELC Congratulations

Congratulations to Mrs Gliddon and the ELC Curiosity team for their involvement in the 2023 ECA National Conference Kumarninthi— Becoming one: Old ways, new wisdom

A team of delegates will be visiting Curiosity ELC during the holidays to see and hear about the wonderful learning that is happening at the Centre with a focus on making connections with the School community through the process of transition.


We will be farewelling Miss Sarah Shaw tomorrow at Worship. Sarah has taken up a position at Loretto College, beginning next term.  


In Term 4, our Foundation team will welcome Mrs Michelle Cobbing, who is known to many of our students, as she has been around our school as a TRT and in short term roles. We look forward to seeing Michelle's smile around the school! Please welcome her as I know you will.


Thank you for the good wishes and prayers that have been offered over the last days in response to the announcement that I will be taking on the role of Principal from 2024.  I am looking forward to the role and the opportunities that God will place in front of us moving forward as a community.

Evie Stevens

Loud Shirt Day

On Friday 20th October (Week 1 next term), Good Shepherd will be celebrating 'Loud Shirt Day'. This is an initiative from Can: Do4Kids and your support will provide children with hearing loss the resources they need to connect, communicate and thrive. We have students at our school (above) who are impacted by hearing loss and we would love to support them through this fundraiser.


The school community is encouraged to bring along a gold coin donation and wear a LOUD SHIRT - the brighter and more patterned, the better!