A Word From Leadership

Good Shepherd Strategic Plan

Over the past 12 months, the school Board, staff, parents, teachers and students have been involved in developing the school’s next Strategic Plan. It is grounded in Growing Deep, which is the Leadership and Formation Framework of Lutheran Education Australia. There are 5 broad areas of focus:

  • Excellence in learning
  • Ongoing improvement and innovation
  • Strengthening Lutheran identity
  • Community building
  • Leading Effective organisation and management

In the coming days, a link to a video will be sent home, which will give some more information around the exciting future for the school! A hard-copy of the Strategic Plan will also be sent home to each family, for you to read through at your leisure.

Supervision after school

A note to parents to please ensure you supervise your child after they are dismissed from school and make their way to you. We would ask that you stay close by and encourage safe and appropriate play whilst on the school grounds.


A reminder that the Middle Primary Playground is not supervised after school, and is a space reserved for our OSHC student use only.

Acknowledging school values

The students who were acknowledged by Mr Kupke at assembly this week, for fantastic demonstration the school values of Love, Optimism and Creativity were: 

Zoe, Harriet and Rei.