Cyber Safety

As an eSmart school St Mary’s aims to maintain a supportive and connected community to reduce online and offline bullying, and increase wellbeing.
As technology continues to play an increasingly significant role in our lives, it is essential for us to equip our children with the knowledge and skills to ensure the safe use of devices. Each fortnight we will look at some tips you may like to enact to achieve a balance between utilising technology as a learning tool and ensuring your child’s overall well-being. This week we will start with two important ones.
- Establish Clear Usage Rules: Setting clear guidelines on device usage or screen time is crucial. Three rules could include: time limits for device usage, specific hours for usage (after home reading, before dinner time etc.) prohibited activities (such as chatting with strangers, accessing inappropriate content, etc.)
- Educate Your Child About Online Safety: Teaching children about online safety is vital. At school, students are reminded not to share personal information online as well as the significance of not sharing passwords with others. We also encourage students to think about what might be posted or shared with others online and the consequences of cyberbullying.
If you would like some assistance with setting usage rules at home the school is able to offer the app Jamf Parent. This allows parents to manage your children's school-issued iPad at home. You can restrict and allow apps and device functionality on your children's device.
If you would like more information about this please feel free to watch this video and contact Sam Richardson on for further information.