Learning and Teaching

Learning & Teaching
Effective Spelling is here!
Staff at St Mary’s are excited to begin the implementation of a new literacy approach in Spelling this term.
‘Effective Spelling’ engages learners through inquiry- based spelling instruction in word conscious classrooms. It aims to support learners and teachers in developing a classroom culture in which learners are curious about words and engaged in the process of becoming effective spellers.
Spelling is a thinking process that requires learners to notice patterns in words and make connections between words. Learning one word provides insights into how to spell and understand many other related words.
The importance of transferring and applying learners' spelling knowledge is crucial in their literacy development, as well as linking learning about spelling to the teaching of reading and writing. The Effective Spelling approach ensures that staff communicate clearly to learners why we learn to spell.
Year 2
This Term our Year 2 learners are inquiring into the world of art, led by our three big questions, “What is Art? “How does art make me feel?” “How does art influence our world?”
Today we launched our tuning in activity, where students put together puzzles of famous art works. They discussed their thinking and wondering, with a few questioning if their puzzle was actually art or not.
All students are looking forward to our upcoming excursion next week to the National Gallery of Victoria where they will be led on a guided tour and have time to explore the space for themselves. We are looking forward to an amazing, inspiring and creative Term 4.
Year 3
Inquiry - ‘Design’
This week Year 3 students were introduced to the Term 4 inquiry topic of ‘Design’. Students worked in collaborative groups to build the tallest tower with a range of materials such as newspaper, masking tape and raw spaghetti. Students were also asked to design something creative with a cup of lego. They took photos of their creation and added them into their chosen app on their iPads.
Each student shared their wonderings for the unit; some of the wonderings were about the design and building process as well as seeing design in the world around us. We look forward to what else the students learn and create this term!