From the acting Principal

Dear LPS families and friends, 


As the term comes to an end it is a great time to reflect back and realise all that has been achieved.  


Celebration Morning

It was lovely to finish the term this week with our celebration morning. As always, these are very well attended as we all love the opportunity to share our learning with our family and friends. Thank you to everyone who attended and to all our students and staff for another wonderful term of learning at LPS.


Another big success of this term was our wonderful trivia night, which raised just over $6,690.00. What a wonderful effort by all involved!



Other wonderful activities our kids have been involved in this term have included: 

  • Grade 3 extended excursion to Phillip Island
  • Day of Friendship
  • Science Week
  • Senior School camp to Coonawarra
  • Calm Kids program 
  • MAT program
  • Little Learners Dress Up party
  • Pyjama Day
  • 4Rs Young leaders for Equality and Respect sessions
  • Middle school Hooptime 
  • Student Led conferences 
  • Book week- author visits, Book Fair and dress up day 
  • Preps – 100 Days of School 
  • Mighty Matildas day
  • Knox Division sports finals 
  • Interschool sports 
  • Excursions and incursions
  • Staff vs Student Netball match (pictures below)

No wonder we are all tired and ready for the holidays next week!



Student transfer

At the end of each year, we say farewell to our grade 6 students as they leave for secondary school. We also have many families that move house and need to transfer to a school closer to home. If you know that your child will be enrolling in a new school for the 2024 school year, please let the office know ASAP to assist with our planning.


Thank you

We have been lucky to have Mrs. Madeley teach Art this term while Mrs. Sandeman has been on leave traveling.  We would like to thank Mrs. Madeley for all her work in the art room to ensure our students were still exposed to high-quality learning and application of learned skills. Mrs. Madeley has also been an excellent support to Mrs. Higgins with organisation and sorting for the production.  Thank you Mrs. Lauren Madeley for all your work this term.  We look forward to welcoming Mrs. Sandeman back in term 4. 


On Wednesday night we had two different parent sessions to both support our students and better connect our school community.  One was linked to the Fathering Project and the other to our Peaceful Kids program. 


Ex footballer and coach, Rodney Eade, who is an ambassador for the Fathering Project, shared some of his experiences as a dad as well as the latest research and tips for navigating the ever-changing little people in our lives.   From all accounts, it was a very well-attended and informative session.  A big thank you to Joel Read and Aaron Halstead for helping with the organisation of this. Thank you also to Mr. Thomas who also stayed to support the session. 


Kim Bedford and Bronwyn Phillip then facilitated a session about their Peaceful Kids program.  There has been excellent feedback about this program, with one student telling me yesterday, “I now know to use my breathing strategy when I’m not feeling calm” and proceeded to show me how to use this strategy. I’m so pleased that students are connecting and applying their learning to situations in their lives, and that we can offer this program to more students.    Thank you to Kim, Bron, and Mrs. Mowat for organising, running, and supporting this fantastic program at LPS.

We are very fortunate to have such dedicated and supportive staff and families who contribute to ensure such events as these can occur. Thank you again to all involved. 


As always, thank you for your support over the past term.  I look forward to seeing you all again in term 4. Don’t forget school starts for students on Monday, October 2. Have a safe and restful holiday period.



Kristine Roose, A/Principal