Principal News

Dear Sacred Heart Community 



As we prepare to vote on a referendum in the coming weeks, we pray that all people are able to vote with their conscience and that whatever the outcome, there is a recognition for unity and understanding amongst us all. 


Welcome Savannah

We welcome our new student Savannah in Foundation. Savannah has joined us from country Victoria and as you can see, is already feeling and knowing she is an important part of our school Sacred Heart.


Good Samaritan Award Winners

Congratulations to our Good Samaritan Award recipients presented at today's assembly:

Ezra (Foundation)               Suzanna (Year Two)                  Oliva (Year Two)  

Shamus (Year Three)                Jasmine (Year Four)           Jaxon (Year Six)



Football Day Thank You

Thank you to our magnificent parents who were able to help last Friday with the reheating and distribution of the pies and sausage rolls. A big thank you to the Haley family for their very kind donation of the party pies and sausage rolls.


Choir Festival

Fourteen of our students who are part of our school choir participated in the Northern Choir Festival held at the Darebin Performing Arts Centre last Sunday. The festival is organised by our former parent Amelia Van Lint. Amelia's passion for singing is evidenced in the fantastic festival and we are so privileged each year for our students to be involved.



Blessing of our Pets Liturgy

6.00pm, Friday 13th October

 Sacred Heart Primary School

The kangaroos, crows and hawk’s seasons never really got started and the cats and dogs fell at their last hurdle. Yes, the lions, magpies and swans have put up such a valiant effort making finals, when others like the eagles had already capitulated. 

So, let’s bring some good news to our beloved pets and their owners, by celebrating our “Blessing of our Pets Liturgy”. All school families, parishioners and visitors are invited to attend and celebrate the precious gift of our pets. 

All pets from goldfish to guinea pigs, dogs to reptiles and every pet in between are invited, and will receive a blessing from Father Aloysius.



Referendum Day Voting At Sacred Heart

Our school will again be a voting venue for the Referendum on Saturday 14th October.

We will use the occasion to raise some money for our school. Our Parents and Friend's group are planning on selling home made cakes/biscuits/slices etc. and good quality second hand children's toys and books.

As of next term, tubs will be placed in the school office foyer for the collection of toys and books. We would be very grateful as well for families to donate some home cooking. The Parents and Friend's group will send home a small tag to be attached to items of cooking detailing the ingredients.


Special Visitor

It was great to catch up with our former business manager Bernadette yesterday who brought her beautiful daughter Mila to school to meet our current business manager Rafael and his beautiful daughter Izabella. 



Congratulations Michael

Congratulations to our Year Six student Michael who achieved his black belt in Taekwondo this week. As you can see, he can split a piece of wood just by staring at it!



Thank You

A special gift arrived earlier this week from one of our wonderful families. We don't look for expressions of gratitude, being with your magnificent children our students is enough reward. This gesture however was  really appreciated.



Please be aware that I am on Long Service Leave the first seven school days of next term. During this period Jess will be in charge of our school.


Yours Sincerely



Darling Dance Studios (Run by a Sacred Heart parent)

A special offer for students from Sacred Heart