Senior Sport

Two medals for Oxley in EISM Cross Country
The EISM Cross Country Carnival took place on Wednesday 6 September with our Senior Boys and Girls finishing on top in our Division. Although we were blessed with great weather, it was still a bit wet on the course, due to all the rain leading up to the event that took place at Ruffey Lake Park in Doncaster East.
Organisers of the event decided that all Age Groups will run only 3km due to the wet course. We are pleased to announce that two of our runners received medals at this tight competition. Ryder H (7.1) finished first in the U/13 Boys in our division with a time of 11.26.0 and Ryan J (11.14) finished 3rd in the Open Boys with a time of 10.55.1.
Ruan Rademeyer (11.14) finished overall 6th in the Open Boys with a time of 11.38.6. With Jessica Graham (11.14) finishing 4th with a time of 13.35.5 and Mary Spratt (11.15) finishing 5th with a time of 13.58.1 Oxley finished on top in the Boys and Girls Open Division. Congratulations to our Seniors!
Other great results on the day included Tori Seeney (8.7) in the U/14 Girls finishing 5th with a time of 14.30.7, Lilliana Filleul (10.3) in U/16 Girls finishing 6th with a time of 16.05.01 and Roman Young (10.3) in the U/16 Boys finishing 9th with a time of 12.34.8. Congratulations to all these students for finishing in the top 10 in our division and to all the students for your participation. Our Girls finished in fourth place and our Boys in sixth place overall.
The Year 7s finished their Term 3 EISM team competition on Monday 4 September and the Year 8/9s their competition with Grand Finals on Thursday 7 September. Congratulations to Year 8/9 boys and girls Table Tennis teams for coming Premiers for Term 3.
EISM in Term 4
Year 7s and Year 8/9s will continue with team sport in EISM in Term 4, with Year 8/9s starting Round 1 in the first week of Term 4 and Year 7s commencing their competition in the second week of Term 4. Year 11s will use the time during Term 4 for study, while the Year 10s will participate in a special program on Wednesday afternoons.
The whole school will come together once more this year for a House Competition when we celebrate Year 12 Final Day on Tuesday 17 October. Students will be able to represent their Houses in basketball, soccer and table tennis on this day. We are looking forward to a great day of competition to farewell our Year 12s.
Frederik Kotzé
Head of Sport