What Did You Do At School?

We have had a fantastic end to Term 3. We displayed confidence and perseverance as we performed for the first time on stage during our Junior School Production. We are very excited for the opportunity to sing, dance and act again in the Nativity next term. In Integrated Studies, we have been exploring the characteristics of a good friend. Through role-play, we have learnt how to be a good listener and how to manage conflict. We reflected on the importance of rules and treating others fairly. In Week 9, we loved celebrating Wellbeing Week. On Wednesday, we participated in a dance party, flaunting our incredible moves. Our teachers loved seeing us smile, build resilience and strengthen our friendships.
Year 1
We have become poetry writers, experimenting with different types of poems. From excellent, energetic and enthusiastic alliteration poems, to bright ,light rhyming poems. We are learning to include adjectives and sensory details to make our writing more descriptive, so that the readers can visualise it in their minds.
Here are some poems using senses about a favourite Season.
Autumn smells like rain in the air.
Autumn sounds like rustling leaves in the rain.
Autumn tastes like cake on my birthday.
Autumn looks like trees ready for bed.
Autumn feels like fluttering leaves falling from the trees.
I love Autumn.
Miyah Hunter (1CB)
Spring smells like fresh fruit that is grown in the garden.
Spring sounds like rain in the warm fire, blowing in the sky.
Spring tastes like blowing leaves in the reeds in the fresh pond.
Spring looks like a rainbow in the sky and flowers growing and eggs hatching in the nests.
Spring feels like flowers swaying left and right.
I love Spring.
Katherine Chen (1JB)
Year 2
Excitement filled the air last week as we dressed up in hunter costumes to play our part in the Seussical JR. performance on Wednesday and Thursday evenings. The rain stopped just in time for our performance. We loved being in the finale, as everyone from the Junior School sang and danced together. It was so much fun.
Yesterday, we invited our parents to school to share our learnings about different cultures around the world. PowerPoint slides were presented by 2A, and 2R presented posters alongside Rangoli drawings, Chinese Lanterns and African Drums. It was such a great time to share our learning.
Have fun on your holidays and stay safe. See you next term!
Written by Farrah Forte and Hannah Jacob (2A)
Year 3
It has been a hive of activity over the past few weeks! We have participated in swimming, been Who citizens in Seussical JR. and even competed against our teachers in soccer to celebrate Wellbeing Week! It’s such a joy to be part of a thriving community where we can use our gifts and talents to glorify God and try new things.
In between all of these fun events, we have been learning to accurately use units of measurement to estimate and find the length of objects. To inspire us, we looked at some of the Guinness World Record holders! Did you know that the longest eyebrow hair ever recorded was 19.1 centimetres long? Or that the tallest man to ever live was 2.72 metres? It made us think about how God has created each person so differently!
Year 4
What an exciting time we had rehearsing and performing our part in Seussical JR. We loved singing our part as citizens of the Jungle of Nool and being a part of the finale with all of the Junior School was amazing!
In Maths, we have been looking at volume and capacity. We practised estimating and measuring how much water would fit into different sized containers. We learnt we needed to choose the correct measuring vessel and to be precise to ensure we were as accurate as possible.
To finish the term, we all delivered presentations about a disability that we had researched. We made a PowerPoint presentation, wrote cue cards and then gave a speech to our class. It was very interesting to hear what everyone had discovered and how we can be more mindful of people with disabilities.
We are looking forward to another busy time in Term 4!
Year 5
We have been immersed in the captivating world of Spoken Word poetry, and we are excited to share a glimpse of our creative expression with two samples of outstanding work.
Spoken Word Poetry:
“I can’t do this”, I said in my head over and over again! My mind was spinning in circles; I couldn’t think straight. I had writer’s block! Just as I thought I couldn’t do it, I had a light-bulb moment. Then my hand started writing, and it was amazing. After practising for ages, I memorised the whole thing! As I walked up to the front of the class, my legs were shaking; I performed and after, I felt amazing! I am so glad I did it!
Lachlan Edwards (5MC)
‘Wow, what a night!’ Production was so much fun. I enjoyed learning all the songs and dances, not to mention the endless rehearsals every morning. The leads were incredible, it did not take long for ‘Notice Me Horton’ to be the number one song I played. I was nervous on stage the first night, but it wasn’t long until the jitters turned into complete energy. Although it was torment waiting to go on, looking for something to do. Seussical JR. is an incredible musical. I was glad to be a part of bringing the miraculous world of Dr. Seuss to life. Thank you so much to all the teachers who helped us out for the musical.
Georgia Sholakis (5MO)
Year 6
During Week 8, our College was treated to an unforgettable theatrical experience with the dazzling Seussical JR. production. The stage came alive with the whimsical world of Dr. Seuss, showcasing the incredible talent of our young actors working together to deliver such a wonderful show. We thank our director, Mr Clarke, for all his planning and hard work over this term.
Additionally, we have been delving deep into the art of slam poetry, crafting powerful verses to inform and call to action about a chosen issue in our world. There are certainly some impressive poets in our classes! Meanwhile, for some of our peers, the realisation that they have just one more term left in Oxley Junior School stirred a bittersweet feeling. As we prepare for our last term, we carry fond memories and newfound skills, all set for the exciting journey ahead.