From the Principal

Dear Friends,
As the saying goes, ‘time flies when you are having fun’. We at Oxley must be way ‘over the moon’ with all that has been packed into this term and the question of ‘where has the time gone?’ What a momentous last few weeks of term we have experienced. Congratulations to all students who have achieved a personal-best in their studies this term and who have enjoyed the activities of the wellbeing week.
We especially celebrate the fabulous presentation of Seussical JR: A Musical Extravaganza by the Junior School under the direction of Mr Jeffrey Clarke. As he says, such a production brings together all the arts of music, drama, and dance into one comprehensive program of great fun and enjoyment. The production gave opportunity for our young students to display their considerable talents and teamwork. What a wonderful way to close the term and to take advantage of our community’s enthusiasm to attend the fully booked performances. Congratulations to the cast and production team.
And now, I warmly invite our community to another Festival of the Arts early in Term 4. On the evening of Friday 6 October, we will celebrate the creative and performing Arts across the whole College, with student performance in music and artwork on display. Our Arts Captains will introduce the evening, alongside my personal welcome. Supplemented by food outlets, we are in for a most enjoyable evening. Please bring along family and friends.
As you know, I take opportunities to remind our community about the College being framed within the Christian faith. In recent days, I have been mulling over a C. S. Lewis book called The Weight of Glory. If I understand correctly, he notes that all things are created to show the glory of God and to share in it. Psalm 19 begins in this manner and other references also point to us as having the same purpose. We are designed for the joy that is our unique experience, when we fulfil this purpose. Lewis makes the point we are far too easily satisfied. We spend so much time trying to find happiness in other ways, in owning things, holidays, travel, good food and wealth. But it is when we understand that divine glorification and human longing are not at odds, that it is in their coming together we find the experience of deep joy and satisfaction.
The heavens declare the glory of God,
the dome of the sky speaks the work of His hands.
Every day it utters speech,
every night it reveals knowledge.
Without speech, without a word,
without their voices being heard,
their line goes out through all the earth
and their words to the end of the world.
Psalm 19: 1-4
On behalf of the College staff, I wish everyone a refreshing couple of weeks. We look forward to another wonderful term to conclude the College year under the grace and goodness of God.
Warm regards,
Dr Douglas Peck