Attendance Report 

Welcome back everyone to Term2!


Congratulations to the 51 students who achieved 100% attendance for the entire of

Term 1. 


These students will be acknowledged at assembly on Friday. This assembly will also have the class with the highest percentage attendance for Term 1 announced, as the successful candidates of the Zooper Dooper party and the Golden Ticket winner from Term 1 Week 9 will also be drawn out. 

I would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone of the process to report student absences. If a student is absent from school, parents/guardians are required to inform the school of the reason for absence. This can be done by calling the school on 9743 5818, pressing 1 when prompted and then clearly stating the student’s full name, class and reason for absence. Alternatively, parents/guardians can send the classroom teacher a message over Dojo communicating the reason for absence.






Miss Dearing

(Attendance Officer)