Introducing our New Alumni Staff

New Alumni Staff:
Carla Smith - Class of 2004
I have very fond memories of my time as a student at Killester College. Beautiful surroundings, supportive teachers, opportunities for extra-curricular activities and friends who I still keep in touch with today.
After completing a Science Degree with Honours at Monash, I worked with various organisations educating school groups about Victorian Marine Life, a big passion of mine and one of my main areas of study in my Science Degree. These roles sparked my passion for Education and so I headed back to University to complete my Diploma of Education at Australian Catholic University and have never looked back.
In my first year as a teacher, I taught at Our Lady of Sion College, a girl's catholic school not too dissimilar to Killester. The following year, I moved to Huntingtower School where I stayed for twelve years until making the move to Killester this year.
With two children, a move closer to home has had a positive impact on my family life. I have really enjoyed coming back to Killester, starting fresh in a familiar environment has made for an easy transition. While Killester has grown and changed considerably, it still has beautiful surroundings, supportive staff, an even bigger array of extra-curricular activities and students who embrace Killester for all that it has to offer.
Kayla Alcala - Class of 2018
Hi, my name is Kayla and I am currently an English, Humanities and Psychology teacher at Killester.
I completed my tertiary studies at Monash University in 2022, but graduated from Killester in 2018 and I was lucky enough to land a tutoring position at Killester in 2023. This tutoring position granted me an opportunity and a smooth transition into my first year of teaching in 2024.
Never in a million years would I have thought that my teachers would become my friends! My passion for learning at a young age has always driven my academic endeavors and I always knew that education would be a constant in my life.
Even after six years, Killester continues to be a place of joy and I am honored to be able to flourish in this community.
Isabella Jenkins - Class of 2018
Hey everyone! My name is Bella and I am an English, History and Italian teacher at Killester.
I graduated from Monash University in 2023 simultaneously working part-time as a tutor at Killester throughout my final tertiary year.
My relationships with my teachers had always been a positive one, and my love of learning and desire to be a teacher stemmed even throughout my time as a student here, therefore I felt very honored to be asked to return as a tutor.
Graduating from Killester in 2018 and returning as a staff member was definitely a shock to the system; I knew Killester quite well already but there was already so much more to learn, I was beginning to see my school as a workplace and my teachers as my colleagues (and even friends!).
My dream was becoming a reality, I always had an affinity for learning and my passion was now going to be my career. Every day, I can see myself in these students, ready to learn, eager to grow; sentiments I still hold to this day.