Kildaire Ministries 10 Year Celebration

Three years in the making, the Kildare Ministries ten year celebration Conference took place on March 24th to 26th. The conference brought together community members from all our Kildare Ministries schools and community works.
Gathering at five hubs in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Geelong and Adelaide, staff heard from many wonderful guest speakers, via live addresses and streaming platforms. Dr Anne Pattel-Gray was our keynote speaker, and she challenged all of us to consider the ongoing injustices faced by our First Nation brothers and sisters. Gillian Trigg and Sr Brigid Arthur exposed the many ways those seeking asylum need our advocacy, and Church and Theological leaders encouraged us to consider how our unique organisation can continue the compassionate work we are called to do by Jesus in our gospels.
The journeying and gathering together of hundreds of staff from Brigidine and Presentation schools and community works was unforgettable. We learned from each other and spent time engaged in listening and dialogue as Pope Francis has demanded from all those in our church communities.
We left our days together with a renewed sense of hope about how we can continue the work of our founding orders, the Brigidine and Presentation sisters, building on the rich foundations they established for us. So many ideas and exciting challenges lie ahead for us as Kildare Ministries and we look forward to the next ten years with enthusiasm, hope and a sense of shared commitment to our mission.