Alumni Reunions

Missed Years Reunion of classes 1970, 1971, 1980, 1981, 1990, 1991, 2000, 2001, 2010, 2011, 2020 and 2021.

Thank you to our Alumni who attended our reunion. There were lots of laughs, food, and fond memories shared on the day.


Our reunions are such an important part of our community connections for the College. In light of the fact that our '00 and '01 reunions did not occur during covid, we decided to have a "Missed Years Reunion."


Sallie from Marketing completed the publicity of the event and the ordering of food, candles, set up. 


Petrina and Kylie did the set and attended the event as did Peter O and Di.  


We thanked Kylie, who has attended all of the Reunions for the past nine years and, before that, with Chris Black - a long time. This  was her final reunion set up (but she might pop in on Sundays for future reunions with big numbers - to assist Petrina (who is taking over). 


Thnaks also to Alumni, Vivienne from Mumma's Small Bites, for the delicious food and fellow Alumni, Sally, from Gelato Home Decor, for the beautiful candles that our guests took home with them.

Loreto Cannon

AP: Engagement, Operations and Community


Graduating Class of 1969 (External Reunion)

Last year, Mary Davies, class of 1969, organised a reunion at Tab Bistro. Thank you Mary for sharing the great photos with us!

Graduating Class of 2003 - 20 Year Reunion

Future Reunions

If you would like to celebrate your 10, 20, 30, 40 or 50-year reunion, please get in contact to organise a reunion date with us.