Curriculum Matters

What a busy and fun week in Foundation!
The students loved having their first PMP and brain gym session, testing their balance and coordination skills. We also enjoyed a delicious tea party together to celebrate the end of our Maths unit.
Level 1
On Friday 3rd May the Level 1 students had an incursion run by Professor Bunsen.
His action-packed show on light and sound wowed the children with his amazing inventions, experiments and knowledge of science. Students learnt that light is an energy and travels at a phenomenal speed.
They also learnt the five ways to produce light and that it is bent/reflected by mirrors and lenses. During the session on sound, they discovered the differences between how sound is conducted through air and solids, and the important link between vibrations and sound.
Level 2
The Level 2 students have been learning about writing a procedure.
We had a lot of fun sharing ideas and writing about ‘How to Annoy Your Parents’. Over the last fortnight, we brainstormed ingredients that we would use to help us write a procedure on ‘How to Make the Most Disgusting Sandwich’. We also created a drawing of the sandwich using all of those ingredients. We have been working really hard on our structure, using a different verb at the start of each sentence and adding adjectives to make our writing more interesting.
Enjoy reading about some of our disgusting sandwiches!
Level 3
This fortnight, Level 3 has continued with our work on procedural writing, focusing on including verbs, adverbs and prepositions to our writing. The students wrote and tested an obstacle course of their own making. The students gave their partners feedback and made sure to incorporate this when editing their work. Level 3 followed instructions to create their own Mother's Day cards, as well as writing their own persuasive texts on how to care for their mum on Mother's Day.
In Maths, we have been learning about 3D shapes and their properties. Students made these shapes and presented their shape whilst talking about how many faces, edges and vertices they each have.
Level 4
Level 4 has had a busy start to Term 2.
We have just finished 4 weeks of swimming at Caulfield Grammar. A big thank you to all the parent/grandparent helpers that supported the program.
This week during Numeracy we have been working on Volume and Capacity. Our students made paper cylinder “Lolly Jars” and filled them with Lollies (Unifix). They then estimated, then counted their lollies. The students loved making up flavours for their lollies.
Some students graphed their data and some made price lists and worked out the total price for their lolly Jar.
Level 5
In Level 5, the students are enjoying learning all about the solar system and exploring Earth’s place within it. In Inquiry, students are working in groups to construct 3D models of the solar system and creating fact cards to accompany them.
In Writing, students are working on developing a question about space, researching a topic, and writing an explanation text.
In Maths, the students are looking at the properties of three-dimensional shapes. They will then use this knowledge to construct a rocket using the nets of 3D shapes.
Level 6
Level 6 Mother’s & Special Friends Morning Tea
Level 6 had a great time hosting their mother’s and special friends for a morning tea on Friday 10th May.
Families and friends had a great time making gorgeous bead jewellery and phone attachments, completing a scavenger hunt around the school and enjoyed a ‘paint and sip……tea/coffee’- painting a coaster that students had designed for their loved one. The morning finished with a very competitive Kahoot! with Emelie and her mum taking out first prize!
Thank you to all the mum’s and friends who were able to join us to make this such a special morning.
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch
A group of Level 6 students have spent some time completing a maths challenge focused on the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
This week the groups presented their findings to Mr Oakey and the other Level 6 students. The challenge looked at how to graph large numbers and the students all did a great job showing their learning in a variety of different graphs. We all learnt lots of new facts like the garbage patch is about the size of 380 000 basketball courts!
We are hoping to take what we’ve learnt and be more conscious of our waste and litter habits.
Interschool Sport
We had our first round of winter interschool sport on Friday 3rd May.
Jells Park PS played against Mt Waverley North PS in the following sports: AFL, Soccer, Netball, Tee Ball & Frisbee. All of the teams had a great time with wonderful weather for the outdoor sports. We had a few wins, a few loses and a tie so overall a great morning of sports! Thank you to the parents who gave up their time to help us out with coaching.