Term 2 - WEEK 4

Dear Parents,


We hope this message finds you well and eager to catch up on the latest from our dynamic classroom. Here's a glimpse into the wonderful adventures we've shared this week:


Welcoming Golsa and Vera:

This week, Prep B and Prep A joyfully welcomed a new addition to our class, Golsa. It's been heartwarming to witness our students extend warm invitations and embrace her presence. Golsa, you've already brought so much joy to our classroom! We also extend a warm welcome back to Vera, whose return has been eagerly awaited by her classmates.

Exploring the Wonders of Literacy:

Our literacy journey this week has been nothing short of enchanting! We've immersed ourselves in Stage 2 sounds with boundless enthusiasm. Meet our newest literary companions from the Little Learners Love Literacy Program: Jack the jellyfish, guiding us through the /j/ sound, and Uncle Upton, introducing us to the wonders of /u/. Our literacy sessions have been filled with spelling exercises and sentence crafting, as we dive deeper into the magic of language. We've been mastering three-letter words featuring vowel sounds /a/, /i/, /e/, /o/, and /u/ in the middle position. Additionally, our students have shown remarkable progress in recount writing, confidently using their sound knowledge to sound out words independently.

Embarking on Numerical Adventures:

Counting has become an exhilarating adventure for our students! Through a variety of engaging numeracy activities, we've been mastering various counting strategies, from the basics to more complex concepts. This week, our focus has been on subitising, enhancing our ability to instantly recognize quantities like true superheroes. Collaboration has been key in all our numerical explorations.


"During our fine motor rotations this week we had some coloured pasta that the students needed to sort between colour/shape using tongs. They also ripped up paper very small and decorated a paper plate to create a jellyfish for our weekly letter of J (Jack the jellyfish)" 

Homework Reminders:

We hope your child has been enjoying our homework activities and diving into the decodable books with enthusiasm. Should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out. A friendly reminder: decodable books are swapped on Mondays and Thursdays, so let's encourage our little ones to establish a routine, fostering independence and responsibility.


Celebrating Mother's Day:

Wishing all the mothers and special women in our students' lives a wonderful celebration this Sunday! Our students have poured their hearts into crafting special gifts and surprises for you, hoping to make this day truly memorable.


Housekeeping Notes:

Please remember that attendance rolls are marked promptly at 9 am. If your child arrives after this time, kindly sign them in at the office. In case of appointments or if your child is feeling unwell, please notify us through Compass. Your support in ensuring regular attendance is greatly appreciated.

A friendly reminder: our library day is on Monday – students to please bring their library books on Monday to return and swap. 


We're looking forward to another extraordinary week ahead, filled with laughter, learning, and endless possibilities!