A message from David 

Principal's Report

Kinder Connections

This week, I have enjoyed the opportunity to join the kinder team in a broad range of activities.  Seeing the kids engage in their social interactions with a genuine sense of compassion and curiosity is credit to the teachers and the programs that they implement. Earlier in the week, Mie Mie and I took some senior students to read with children at the Montessori Learning Centre. This has become a strong relationship offering benefit to their children in preparation for primary school, and opportunity for our students to act as mentors to younger students.  


Every Minute Counts

We continue to see a remarkable improvement of students arriving at 8:50am, ready to enter their learning spaces to prepare for their day.  This is making a huge difference to minimising disruption for all students across the school to ensure our teachers can maximise learning opportunities.  Thank you for being part of the solution. A friendly reminder, if your child is going to be absent for the day, please log this through Compass at your earliest convenience.


Student Engagement and Wellbeing

Junior School Councillors are currently being elected to represent students at Box Hill North. They will be officially announced at assembly tomorrow and will be charged with the responsibility of engaging the work of the School Wide Positive Behaviour Support initiative.  One of their first actions will be the decision and promotion of new school rewards in celebration of students demonstrating positive interactions in and out of the classroom. It has been encouraging to see the number of students who have displayed courage to be involved at this level.


On a different note, I have been humbled by the number of students across our school and kinder who openly welcome new students to Box Hill North. There are countless examples of genuine connections being made without prompting, ensuring families who join our community feel welcome through a positive experience. It’s inspiring to be part of such an inclusive community and is a reflection on the way our families interact.


Thank you

A very big thank you to our Parents’ Association and volunteers, who have helped with this year’s Mother’s Day celebrations. Mums are sure to be well looked after on Sunday. I look forward to enjoying afternoon tea on Friday with ‘school-baked’ goodies thanks to Lou and her team.


Speaking of Mother’s Day, it is exciting to know that Eliza Sutton is expecting her first! Eliza has spoken with her class today and will take Family Leave at the end of Term 2. A process is currently underway to find a suitable replacement for her class to commence in Term 3.  

