Semper Sursum Awards 

Pr A       Bakshish Bhullar              Settling well into Prep at Gray Street.  Well done!!

Pr A       Buck Tomlinson              Making good choices in the yard and in the classroom.  Well done!!

Pr A       Scarlet Hoppit                  Being brave and persisting when things are tough.  Well done!

Pr B       Charlie Marson               Being his best!  And putting lots of effort into his work!

Pr B       Freya Showler                  Always being ready to learn and trying her best!

1/2A      Irvine Colombo               A fabulous start at Gray Street.

1/2A      Eli Maud                           His fabulous work on Place Value in maths!

1/2B      Elise Robertson                For amazing focus during independent tasks and excellent presentation of her work 

1/2B      Cohen Colombo              For a great start at Gray St.  Welcome to 1/2B!

1/2C      William Curren                An amazing start to term, with lots of effort in writing and maths.

1/2C      Charlie Bradbury             His incredible detail in his holiday recount writing.

1/2D     Mervyn                             Trying his best and showing resilience.

1/2D     Luca                                   Showing empathy, resilience and respect.

3/4A      Louis Crane                      Starting the term with fantastic participation and effort!

3/4A      Oliver Kelson                    Asking insightful questions during our Anzac Day unit.

3/4B      Claire Brown                    Excellent contributions during ANZAC day discussions.

3/4B      Harper Brian                    Excellent contributions to class discussions.

3/4C      Archie Stewart                 A fantastic start to Term 2.  You have been very focused, on task and listening very well.

3/4C      Matilda Brown                Her fantastic organisation skills and for always being ready to learn.

5/6A      Olivia Baulch                    Outstanding reading, sharing and connections.

5/6A      Marcus Moore-Hayes    Great insights and connections during reading.

5/6B      Uwais Shayaan                Super effort at learning Times Tables.

5/6B      Asis Bhullar                      Settling in well and making a great start at Gray Street Primary.

5/6B      Holly Abrahamson          Resilience in maths, sticking with the hard problems and working them out!

5/6C      Sophie Hill                        Always being a willing participant in class discussions.

5/6C      Arlo Buck                          Always being a friendly and happy member of 5/6C.

STEM    Bryce O’Sullivan                            His excellent effort at analysing fingerprints in STEM!

STEM    Alex Figura                       Her excellent work at looking at her fingerprints in STEM!