Art, Music, PE & STEM

STEM – Term 2, Week 1

This week, all students explored their fingerprints in STEM.

Students watched a video that explained the three main types of fingerprints and then took their own. They then used a magnifying glass to see what type their own fingerprints were. 

Well done to Alex Figura and Bryce O’Sullivan for receiving STEM certificates this week. Congratulations to 5/6A for also receiving a class STEM award for their overall effort in STEM this week. 


Mr Nolan

STEM Specialist Teacher





Hello everyone, 


In Music this week, the 1/2s made up clever rhythm patterns on instruments.

The 3/4s had fun with Hoedown music, and 5/6A did drumming to music.

I am looking forward to seeing the other 5/6s and Preps in Music again next week.


In Choir News, we have started working on our parts for our songs.



This week’s Class Music Award goes to 5/6A for great work in Music, and the individual awards go to Olivia Schulz and Thomas Yates in 3/4C for strong musical leadership. 


Thank you,

Mrs Megan Garland

Music Specialist