Careers Update

Tertiary Information Session (TIS)
On Tuesday the 14th of May our Year 12 VCE students attended the Gippsland TIS Day (Tertiary Information Session) at Federation University. Students attended a presentation explaining the benefits and 'how to' steps to apply for University, TAFE, and other independent colleges. At the conclusion of the presentation students enjoyed a 'mini careers expo', speaking with representatives from all major universities and TAFE institutions.
TAFE Gippsland Taster Day - Try it, Like it, TAFE it
TAFE Gippsland facilitated a Taster Day for local secondary schools on Monday the 13th of May. Our Year 10 students were given the opportunity to attend and experience two different industries they were interested in. Students were introduced to the vocational course and what it would entail should they choose a TAFE course as part of their Year 11 program. We had students participate in bricklaying, carpentry, civil construction, community services, electrotechnology, engineering, health support services, hospitality, painting and decorating, and plumbing. Well done to the students who took up the opportunity.
Year 11 VCE Camp
On Wednesday the 1st of May 40 students and staff attended the VCE Camp which was held over three days. We visited five Universities and the VCE Careers Expo to discover possible pathways for student's career planning. The focus was to allow students to explore and understand the different options for potential course selections and career prospects beyond Year 12.
The Universities conducted detailed presentations about courses, benefits and supports they offer. Students also took part in campus tours and briefings about entry requirements.
We also visited Australia’s largest VCE Careers Expo which had over 150 exhibitors including providers of employment, apprenticeship, and training opportunities. Students were given free time at the Expo to research and gain resources from the stalls and ask questions about their pathway options.
It wasn’t all hard work though - once we finished the important part of the day, we had time to relax and spend time together. We all went out for dinner each night, went to the movies and on our second night we played arcade games, laser tag and ten pin bowling. It was a good balance of work and play for our students.
NET (New Energy Technology) Program
The NET Program is for students to gain a unique opportunity to learn about emerging local jobs in new industries; renewable energy, technologies, engineering and new career prospects in existing industries. Using a design thinking model, Broadening Horizons in partnership with Baw Baw Latrobe LLEN and supported by Gippsland Tech School, designed a series of workshops to provide a specialised approach to problem solving and transferable skill development, including the involvement of 12 industry mentors to provide real-world challenges and work with the students. Lowanna College students Gemma Webb and Jake Keily have teamed up with other school students and are being mentored by professionals to design, research and develop an innovation with a real-world application.
Work Experience
In Year 10, students will undertake a work experience program. It is expected that all Year 10 students will participate in this 5-day program. All work experience arrangement forms must be returned to the Careers Team by Thursday the 13th of June.
The dates of the work experience program are Monday the 29th of July to Friday the 2nd of August (inclusive) in Term 3.
Work experience is a one-week placement where students will gain insights into the industry and the workplace in which they are located. It provides students with a valuable opportunity to develop employability skills, explore possible career options, understand employer expectations, and increase their self-understanding, maturity, independence, and self-confidence.
Work experience students are with employers primarily to observe and learn – not to undertake activities which require extensive training or expertise.
Students are required to source their own work experience placement. Doing this provides students with a wonderful opportunity to develop their communication skills, initiative and ‘real world’ experiences. Should students have any issues or difficulties in gaining a work experience placement they can be supported through this by their teachers and careers staff.
Please discuss work experience placement with your child and encourage them to ‘have a go’ at calling and speaking with employers.
We look forward to seeing our Year 10 students out and about in the working world.
Careers Support
We are available as a support for students and parents with any questions or queries. Please feel free to contact the Careers Team:
Kirsty Mitchell ph: 5127 9225 or
Alisha Disisto ph: 5127 9264 or