College Updates

Sports Academy Information Evening
We are hosting an Information Evening on Tuesday the 21st of May for any students interested in joining the Sports Academy for 2025, and for current Sports Academy parents/guardians to talk through expectations and what is provided as part of the program. Come along to the college at 7pm to find out more about the Sports Academy Program and what we can offer you and your family.
Open Day
On Wednesday the 24th of April we welcomed nearly 500 Year 5 and 6 students to the college for our Open Day. The students participated in a range of classes such as art, woodwork, cooking, mathematics, science and PE as well as getting photos taken in the Photo Booth at recess and lunch! Thank you to Pics & Props Photo Booth and Robbie and Melissa from TRFM for attending, to the Primary Schools who attended, and to everyone else involved in organising the day.
SRC Easter Raffle
Thank you to everyone who supported our Easter Raffle last term- $481.08 is being donated to Beyond Blue, one of Australia’s most well-known, trusted, and visited mental health organisations. For more information about Beyond Blue please visit their website.
Athletics Day
On Thursday the 18th of April students and staff spent the day enjoying all things athletics at the Athletics Carnival - it was a fun day for all. Congratulations to the Blue Sharks who brought home the win.
Technology at Lowanna
Our Year 9 Automotive class visited the Trafalgar Holden Museum earlier this term to broaden their knowledge of automotive history and mechanics. They were provided with a personal tour of the museum, with some highlights standing out including the first FJ Holden ever made, concept cars and the one-off motor - an all alloy OHC Holden V8.
PE and Sport
Earlier this term our Year 7 Boys competed in Interschool Tennis and won the Gippsland round - well done boys!
Primary School Sports Day
Earlier this term we hosted our local primary schools for the Primary Schools Sports Day. It was our first time hosting the event, with our Sports Academy students umpiring and primary school students enjoying netball, AFL and soccer.
On Friday the 26th of April our junior students played in the SSV AFL Competition. Our Year 7 boys were victorious in all of their games, including winning their final against Marist Sion College, the Year 8 team won their games, and the Junior girls won 2 out of their 3 games. Well done to everyone who represented the college on the day.
On Friday the 3rd of May some of our students attended the Gippsland Volleyball tournament. The Intermediate Boys were undefeated, advancing to State Finals, and both Year 8 teams came runners up - well done to everyone who attended!
Girls AFL
Last week our Senior Girls AFL team advanced to the Gippsland Round after winning both of their games. The girls won their first game against Drouin Secondary College and made a comeback in their second game against Marist Sion College, even when they had only 14 players! Well done girls, and all the best for the Gippsland Round.
Arts Update
Year 8
Students have been exploring landscape painting in our Year 8 Art elective this term. Experimenting with colour theory, painting techniques, and a range of different brushes, students are developing some excellent trials to prepare them for their final assessment task.
Year 8
Our Year 8 Art students have finished their portrait CATs and have been learning about colour theory and painting techniques. In their drawing portraits, they demonstrated the skills of observational drawing, shading, facial proportion, and blending.
Year 9
Year 9 Painting and Drawing students are working on painting a lolly still-life on canvas. They worked through arranging the still-life's in small groups, photographing and cropping the images, and then drawing out the compositions on canvas.
Year 10
Year 10 Ceramics students have been working on their independent projects and architectural structures.
Year 11
Year 11 VCE ACP students have started experimenting and using visual language in the art form of printmaking.
Art Club
Soiree and Art Exhibition
Year 12 Hanging Rock Excursion
This term the Year 12 Literature students visited Hanging Rock near Woodend. Students climbed to the summit and scrambled over rocks in the sunshine before enjoying a picnic in the Picnic Grounds, just like the characters in their novel 'Picnic at Hanging Rock'. Thanks to Al Burkett for driving the students and staff safely there and back.
Canteen Reminder
A friendly reminder that our canteen only takes Compass card and cash payments - no eftpos facilities are available.
You can now order your lunch online via Compass - please see the 'How to Guide' below.
Thanks Mr. Jackson!
Our very own Mr. Ross Jackson recently made our 'Snacks' stand for use in the college canteen. Thank you Mr. Jackson - we are so thankful for your time in creating the stand and the college will enjoy it for years to come!
Food Technology
This term some of our Year 7 students learnt how to use the microwave and cooked ‘Easy Nachos.’
Science Club
Year 12 Outdoor and Environmental Studies
Last week, our Year 12 Outdoor and Environmental Studies students had the opportunity to visit both Australian Sustainable Hardwoods sites in Heyfield and learn about what they do. After that they hit the trails at Blores Hill Mountain Bike Park. They also visited Lake Glenmaggie where they had a tour over and through the dam wall. This gave students valuable insights to link their theory work to practical experiences.