
with Lisa Osborne

Happy Mothers Day!

To all of you amazing Caregivers, Mothers, Grandmothers in our BPS community we want to say thankyou for the important role you have, for the sacrifices you make. For the sleepless nights, the worry, the hard work juggling so much, for all the things our families don't even see, for the fun and unconditional love, we say thankyou! 


A dear friend of mine told me once, that you never stop being a parent, as your kids grow older they still need you, their problems just get more complex and more expensive. This was in response to her daughter getting stranded overseas after spending all of her savings and her son crashing his car.


As a Mum of 5 kids ranging from 13yrs to 26yrs, I can testify to this in one way, but what I also notice is that the relationship I have with my kids grows, deepens and changes as they do. Reflecting on my early years as a Mum and even now sometimes, there have been times when I felt overwhelmed with the responsibility. If my kids made a bad choice I would sometimes feel like I was a bad parent and that it was a reflection on me. I would sometimes have unrealistic expectations of myself, my husband and my kids.


Can I encourage each of you that you are not alone. Mum's carry a big mental load quite often that makes it hard to switch off or see the good that you are doing in the lives you care for. You are a gift to your children and they are a gift to you. You are doing an incredible job! If things are feeling overwhelming or there are struggles you are dealing with, can I encourage you to please reach out to me. I am here to support and listen to families as well as the kids.

You are valued and appreciated, you make a difference!


Blessings, Lisa Osborne
