Principal's Report

Welcome back! Well from me at least! Thank you to all of the staff for everything running so smoothly in my absence, particularly to Marianne Fusillo and Sue Battista for taking over the schools leadership. My family and I had an amazing trip around the United States,  the Grand Canyon, Disney World and the NBA all highlights for us and for those who know me well getting onto an NBA court and scoring was a huge highlight! 


Welcome to winter - the cold weather seems to have kicked in! A reminder to encourage the children to please dress appropriately!


I hope that all of our families are looking forward to some time together for Mothers' Day and our BPS mums are rightly spoiled!

Building Works

Further to Marianne's messages at the start of term the building works are ongoing around the school and a big thank you to the children and community for being so accommodating during this time. We are working closely with the project team and are endeavouring to have all works completed by early June.


Our car park needs to remain primarily for staffing, those with impaired mobility and trades people during this time for the safety of our whole community.  Parking for families can be found at the church and in our very nearby side streets.  Kiss and Drop is still operational and I thank all parents who are observing the rule of not letting your child out of the car until they reach the Kiss and Drop Zone (near the tennis courts). Thanks for your co-operation!

Open Night

Coming up on Wednesday May 15th we have our annual Open Night for school families. The night is ALWAYS an incredible experience for students and we hope to see all of our families in attendance.  Classrooms will be open with our teachers offering lots of games, fun and educational experiences and of course our raffle prizes at the conclusion of the evening.  The evening for our current families begins at 5.30pm in the school gym.  


Our families are also invited to come along to our Open band rehearsals from 7.50am during week 5 and open classrooms during week 6.  Please keep your eye on COMPASS for more information soon.


FOUNDATION 2025 - Wednesday 15th May 4.30pm

Open Night for prospective Foundation families will take place on May 15th at 4.30pm in our Multi-purpose room.  All families who have students who are starting school in 2023 and are actively in the process of choosing a school for their child are absolutely welcome.  We will have performances from our Symphonic Band and our incredible Foundation team.  We are so looking forward to meeting you all!  Refreshments and snacks provided!  RSVP to school office on 9878 1483.


We are thrilled to share some exciting news with you all – initial NAPLAN results are in, and they reflect the hard work, dedication, and perseverance of our incredible students and educators. Again in 2024 I am incredibly proud of our students results and they confirm the high quality teaching programs that we have to support the learning of all students.


Behind every student's success stands a dedicated team of educators, parents, and the entire BPS community. Your unwavering support and guidance have played a crucial role in shaping our students' achievements.


I look forward to sharing more details of these when the formal results are received towards the end of term.


It's been so nice to see so many parent helpers back supporting the learning in our school. I recently read this excellent article from The Raising Children Network about building healthy partnerships with your child's teacher which I encourage you to read, Developing a healthy parent-teacher relationship is a great way to improve your child’s performance in school.


School Readiness

We continue to celebrate our pre-Foundation readiness program with lots of fun activities planned for 3-4 year old children who attend our local kinder and child care.  If you are a family looking to take part in these activities please ring our school office to make a booking to attend one or all of the dates listed in the poster below!  If our current families know of friends who are wanting to take part please do pass on our details.  The more the merrier!



















