Laura Jane's Message

St Gabriel's Catholic Primary School's Acting Principal

Dear Families, 


Our children have settled into Term 2 so well, they are calm and focused.  Our hub routines are running smoothly and children are immersed in discovery learning, projects, targeted teaching groups, and specialist areas.  Our Lego and cards club is now open at one break each day, providing the children with an indoor, calm place to play.


On June 11, our educators will complete the final day of training in the Berry Street Education Model.  This framework enables our educators to implement a range of strategies to support children’s self regulation, wellbeing and relationships. This leads to increased engagement and learning for children. Our educators have thoroughly enjoyed these sessions and we will continue to implement the strategies with our children though Getting Ready to Learn and across the day as needed. 


We look forward to working with Peter Hood in Reconciliation Week.  He will be our artist in residence and will work with all children in their Engaging with Place sessions during this week. 


Gemma begins her leave today and we send her our warmest wishes for a year of rest and recovery that will enable her to regain her health and strength.  We look forward to her return in 2025. She has been a dynamic and inspirational leader for all of us.  We thank her for her commitment and dedication to our school vision and for ensuring excellence in learning and teaching practices within our school.  We are well placed to continue this work in her absence. We will continue to strengthen our learning and teaching practice with connection, relationship and wellbeing underpinning all we do. Feel free to reach out via email or phone if there is anything that you wish to discuss.  


In the coming weeks, we will be replacing the fence around the sensory garden.  This will take 3-4 days and during this time the sensory garden will be closed for school access and at outside playtimes.  Families and children can access the school through Gate E on Olive street while the works are completed. 


This weekend we celebrate our Mother’s and special women in our lives.  We are so grateful to have these strong role models in our lives to guide us and to be there for us when we need their support.  

Bless our mother’s and the special women in our lives. Give them strength. When they feel alone, give them comfort. When they feel overwhelmed, help them to know peace. In their darkest moments, be their Light. So often in our lives they are everything to us. We ask your Blessing on all our mother’s and special women.  
