Library News

Library News
Hi Everyone,
It's an exciting time for book lovers as the Children's Book Council of Australia (CBCA) have announced the shortlisted books for 2024! The children have been exploring various titles and students in Years 5 & 6 have been completing activities to participate in Shadow Judging which involves interacting with the CBCA judges through an online platform, to share their thoughts, opinions and responses to select books. We're looking forward to the announcement of the winning books in each of the six categories in August. For more information on the 2024 Shortlist, please click on the link below.
Thank you to our wonderful volunteers who have kindly covered all of the new library books for Term 1. I've been able to get many new titles and series onto the shelves which means the students have even more great books to choose from. I regularly purchase new books and am always grateful for help with book covering, so if you're able to spare a little time during Term 2 to take a small pile home (contact supplied), please send me an email or come and see me in the library or office on a Thursday or Friday morning/after school.
Library Club on Thursdays is going strong and it's been lovely to see children of all ages reading and enjoying quiet activities with their friends.
Please continue to encourage your child/ren to borrow and to bring a library bag to school on their library day (Thursday Yrs 3-6. Friday Yrs P-2).
Happy Reading!
Vicki Dagher